Kids, man. Kids and work.
My wife is the most beautiful and sexy girl I know but we're both driven to exhaustion by the aforementioned. We have no energy to celebrate each others' bodies. (Well I do, but that's not important.)
I miss quiet moments and soft touches. I miss the sound of that love more than anything.
We used to have wild times too; sharing our own and other peoples bodies and sensualities. Damn you SG for making want so much what I cannot have.
Kids, man. I love them so much I would die for them, but a bit of nookie wouldn't go amiss.
My wife is the most beautiful and sexy girl I know but we're both driven to exhaustion by the aforementioned. We have no energy to celebrate each others' bodies. (Well I do, but that's not important.)
I miss quiet moments and soft touches. I miss the sound of that love more than anything.
We used to have wild times too; sharing our own and other peoples bodies and sensualities. Damn you SG for making want so much what I cannot have.
Kids, man. I love them so much I would die for them, but a bit of nookie wouldn't go amiss.

We talk about it all the time. We know what we're missing out on. And really, it's just one of those things you have to ride out. Endure. We'll still be in love when they're not such hard work. And by then, I think we'll be right on the average age of fetish clubbers and swingers.