Not a lot going on right now. This past weekend we did our annual haggis-making. We're going to a Burns Supper on Sunday, so we prepared the haggis. As seems to be typical, we went overboard and ended up making 34 lbs of it! It's so yummy, though! [Note: to those of you who are vegetarian/vegan, you might want to skip the rest of this paragraph
] For those who don't know, haggis is the national dish of Scotland, and is basically a loose sausage made from lamb organ meat, oats, onions, and spices. Mine is not quite authentic, though. First, I use just heart and liver, not the traditional heart, liver and lung because, well, you can't GET lung meat in this country (it's illegal), and I also use ground lamb with the organ meat to soften the taste a bit. Second, I don't cook it in the sheep's stomach (though I have done once). I use zip-lock steamer bags which work better and don't require all the cleaning necessary with a stomach. Let me know if you want a recipe!
In other news, I wrote a 30 minute radio play late last year for the Maplewood Barn Radio Theatre, which has been putting on radio drama's weekly on our local NPR station. They decided they want to do it, so sometime this winter/spring they will be performing it!!! I'm super excited about that. I don't have a date for it yet, but it will be some Friday at 6:30 PM (US Central Time), and you can listen to it streaming on the internet!
I've been struggling with my depression lately - probably partly seasonal stuff, but also some self reflection that has discouraged me. This is nothing new - I've struggled with it off and on (mostly on) for nearly 40 years. I know some of you know what I'm going through.
I must say it has really sapped my motivation and energy this time. Guess I'm going to have to start working the CBT again, though I'm really not feeling it. <sigh>
It's 42 degrees colder today than at the same time yesterday (70 to 28). Crazy!!! (For those of you who prefer Celsius, it's 23 degrees cooler, 21 to -2.) But by Sunday we're supposed to be back up to 68 (20). Sure glad there's no such thing as global warming...
Well, I guess that's it from here. Thanks for reading!

In other news, I wrote a 30 minute radio play late last year for the Maplewood Barn Radio Theatre, which has been putting on radio drama's weekly on our local NPR station. They decided they want to do it, so sometime this winter/spring they will be performing it!!! I'm super excited about that. I don't have a date for it yet, but it will be some Friday at 6:30 PM (US Central Time), and you can listen to it streaming on the internet!

I've been struggling with my depression lately - probably partly seasonal stuff, but also some self reflection that has discouraged me. This is nothing new - I've struggled with it off and on (mostly on) for nearly 40 years. I know some of you know what I'm going through.

It's 42 degrees colder today than at the same time yesterday (70 to 28). Crazy!!! (For those of you who prefer Celsius, it's 23 degrees cooler, 21 to -2.) But by Sunday we're supposed to be back up to 68 (20). Sure glad there's no such thing as global warming...

Well, I guess that's it from here. Thanks for reading!

I still have the haggis recipe you gave me a few years ago
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Thank you for clearing that up for me! I was a little confused but it now makes sense!