Happy Veterans Day! We are, as I write this one hour away (local time) from 11:11:11 11/11/11! 
I just got back from delivering 9 dozen roses to the Occupy Columbia folks to hand out today.
The cool thing is that they do good twice - the roses were bought as part of the Columbia Northwest Rotary Club rose sale, the proceeds of which go to the club foundation which makes grants to local charities. I like it when you can heal two birds with one kiss.
Why nine-dozen roses? Well, we were challenged to sell ten dozen roses, and, of course, one dozen need to go to my sweetie (even though she's not big on cut flowers)! 
In other happy news, I just got Lorelei's new album!!!!!
I'm listening to it now, and I love it! You, too, can have one - go visit Harmondale's web site (Harmondale is the band, and Laura Harmondale is our own dear Miss Lorelei. Not only a gorgeous model and a fantastic photographer, but a really talented musician, too. She rocks my socks! 
My time this month has been completely consumed by NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. Thousands of people get together to write 50,000 words (each) in November. So far I'm on track - not really ahead, but at least not behind. On top of the writing, I'm a co-Municipal Liaison, too, which means I'm busy hosting write-ins at my studio, sending encouragement to Columbia writers, and just being a general novel-writing rah-rah!
It's fun! And who knows, I might end up with something worth reading at the end of it. So far it's going pretty well - I'm happy with it.
Well, that's about as much good news as I can take. Next week I'm off to Seattle for most of a week. I'll be back just in time for Thanksgiving, when we'll be visiting with some St. Louis (and ex-St. Louis) friends, so that will be joyous, too. And of course writing, writing, writing!!
(plot-monkey says ooo aaa!)

I just got back from delivering 9 dozen roses to the Occupy Columbia folks to hand out today.

In other happy news, I just got Lorelei's new album!!!!!

My time this month has been completely consumed by NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. Thousands of people get together to write 50,000 words (each) in November. So far I'm on track - not really ahead, but at least not behind. On top of the writing, I'm a co-Municipal Liaison, too, which means I'm busy hosting write-ins at my studio, sending encouragement to Columbia writers, and just being a general novel-writing rah-rah!

Well, that's about as much good news as I can take. Next week I'm off to Seattle for most of a week. I'll be back just in time for Thanksgiving, when we'll be visiting with some St. Louis (and ex-St. Louis) friends, so that will be joyous, too. And of course writing, writing, writing!!

Thank you so much for the set love<3333333
Love you tuba <3