Well, goddamit! I've apparently gotten my FOURTH brown recluse spider bite. They seem to like me (or maybe dislike me... :confused. Neither my wife nor my son have been bitten in the 20 years we've lived in this house (well, 17 for him, I guess), but now I've been bitten four times.
It's not that big a deal - just a small ugly wound that will take 4-6 messy months to heal (if the others are any guide). It doesn't hurt or itch - just a little tender - and it's on the meaty part of my calf, so there's plenty of blood flow around it, so I guess I'm lucky. But still.
Here's a pic if you're interested - I'll spoiler it for the rest of you. It's not open (yet), so it's not too ugly. That will come in a couple weeks.
It's not that big a deal - just a small ugly wound that will take 4-6 messy months to heal (if the others are any guide). It doesn't hurt or itch - just a little tender - and it's on the meaty part of my calf, so there's plenty of blood flow around it, so I guess I'm lucky. But still.
Here's a pic if you're interested - I'll spoiler it for the rest of you. It's not open (yet), so it's not too ugly. That will come in a couple weeks.
In lighter news, it's almost time for NaNoWriMo! Time to get my write on.
I'm partaking in Nano this year as well! I'm a n00b so I'm really excited; I probably just don't know what I've gotten myself into yet.
Thank you! Sending it out today! Yikes on the spider bite - Where in the house did it happen?