Let's see, what's going on...? 
I had the great pleasure of shooting a set with Bunnirab recently, and it will be going up in MR July 19, so that's exciting!!
And yesterday I started shooting for SoFoBoMo (Solo Photographer Book Month -- check out the web site for details). Basically it involves doing all the shooting, writing, and assembly of a photography book (at least 35 photos, and in a PDF format) all in a 31 day period. My book is all going to be shots with a single model (MissSammy). I'm really excited about this, and love the shots we got yesterday. Here's a few for your perusal:

I had the great pleasure of shooting a set with Bunnirab recently, and it will be going up in MR July 19, so that's exciting!!
And yesterday I started shooting for SoFoBoMo (Solo Photographer Book Month -- check out the web site for details). Basically it involves doing all the shooting, writing, and assembly of a photography book (at least 35 photos, and in a PDF format) all in a 31 day period. My book is all going to be shots with a single model (MissSammy). I'm really excited about this, and love the shots we got yesterday. Here's a few for your perusal:

Other than that... I've just been mostly trying to stay inside in the A/C to avoid the heat, humidity and allergens that make it miserable to be outside lately. Business is slow ( ), but other than that, life isn't bad.
So what's shakin' in your world???
Thanks for your lovely comment on my set 

Great new set!!!