I hate dealing with adversarial relationships. After orally agreeing on the lease terms, the landlord now comes back with a counter proposal? WTF? That's bullshit! Nothing is a deal-breaker, but it's just fucking irritating. We told them we're done negotiating on proposals. Draw up an actual lease document and we'll negotiate from that. Everything from here on out is going to be in the "final wording" form. I'm also lighting a fire under their ass -- we need to see the lease by Wednesday (hopefully). I want to have this deal settled by the end of next week at the latest. I'm tired of dicking around with this, and I can't afford to wait any longer. I've got momentum going on the business and I need to close this so I can move forward, or I'm going to lose that momentum.
I still think it's going to happen, but this has really put a bad taste in my mouth. I don't think the landlord is being nefarious (though at this point I can't say I trust them either), but I'm sure their realtor is. I'm probably naive, but I expected them to negotiate in good faith and honor their oral commitments. Why cant' we all play nice?
Oh well. Things ARE moving forward. I'm continuing to draw up plans for how to best use the space, and am pricing things out. I'm super-excited about having a huge (25' wide, 14' high) cyclorama and a 25' x 6' "fisher light" (basically a giant softbox with 23 individual halogen lights -- about 5,000 Watts worth). That's how they get the beautiful highlights on professional car shots.
I hate dealing with adversarial relationships. After orally agreeing on the lease terms, the landlord now comes back with a counter proposal? WTF? That's bullshit! Nothing is a deal-breaker, but it's just fucking irritating. We told them we're done negotiating on proposals. Draw up an actual lease document and we'll negotiate from that. Everything from here on out is going to be in the "final wording" form. I'm also lighting a fire under their ass -- we need to see the lease by Wednesday (hopefully). I want to have this deal settled by the end of next week at the latest. I'm tired of dicking around with this, and I can't afford to wait any longer. I've got momentum going on the business and I need to close this so I can move forward, or I'm going to lose that momentum.
I still think it's going to happen, but this has really put a bad taste in my mouth. I don't think the landlord is being nefarious (though at this point I can't say I trust them either), but I'm sure their realtor is. I'm probably naive, but I expected them to negotiate in good faith and honor their oral commitments. Why cant' we all play nice?
Oh well. Things ARE moving forward. I'm continuing to draw up plans for how to best use the space, and am pricing things out. I'm super-excited about having a huge (25' wide, 14' high) cyclorama and a 25' x 6' "fisher light" (basically a giant softbox with 23 individual halogen lights -- about 5,000 Watts worth). That's how they get the beautiful highlights on professional car shots.
Son is a very dear friend of mine. I took care of him and led him towards a better path it life when we were younger. In return his family took me in and nursed me back to health when I was dying. They are my family and he is like my Son. Things have been strained with us for the last two years and its been really difficult. Last night I believe we got past all that.
Yeah, resentment does really suck.