Hello everyone, did you miss me or were you glad the little depressing dork was gone for awhile?
Since my last update a lot has happened. Jessica and I finished our recent semester and left FL for awhile to visit her family on work on the carnival with them. Now we are done working on the carnival and relaxing for a few days before the long trip home. Yes, I drove the whole way up here and I'm going to drive the whole way back.
Just before I started to update this we looked for good prices for our plane tickets for us to go to Defcon. We're bothing really looking forward to it and to seeing all of my friends again. Joe, Vyrus, PixelFairy, etc...you get the point. There are tons of great people that I meet there each year. I really hope to see some of you there. Just look for the kid with PJs and no shirt on. That would more than likely be me.
Thank god I get to do some fun things to unwind before I leave to unwind even more in Vegas. I plan on skim boarding the day I get back. Deleting all of my spam also sounds like a good idea, seeing as how that's probably the only thing in my inbox.
If anyone would like to see recent pictures I will try and post a couple before I leave for Defcon and if I don't get a chance to or I forget then I will definitly have them posted on my Defcon images part of my site. link
I'm glad I have some comments on my page, but what encourages me to write way more often is when I'm getting them each time I make a entry. So, yeh, I like comments. If they're negetive comments though, make sure to hide all sharp objects in site. Hmmm, I can't really think of anything to say right now...it's fucking hot (temp. kind). I got a webcam on my notebook (my sony picturebook, half of you have probably seen it) that I will have with me this year at Defcon. I'm pondering whether or not I'll have the webcam functional during the con. Who knows...maybe Jessica will let me set it up in the room ;p Comment, comment, comment. Love to all of you kind people who have missed me and wondered where I was. Sometimes it doesn't seem like many EVER think of me, or anyone besides themselves for that matter. Smile for me.
Since my last update a lot has happened. Jessica and I finished our recent semester and left FL for awhile to visit her family on work on the carnival with them. Now we are done working on the carnival and relaxing for a few days before the long trip home. Yes, I drove the whole way up here and I'm going to drive the whole way back.
Just before I started to update this we looked for good prices for our plane tickets for us to go to Defcon. We're bothing really looking forward to it and to seeing all of my friends again. Joe, Vyrus, PixelFairy, etc...you get the point. There are tons of great people that I meet there each year. I really hope to see some of you there. Just look for the kid with PJs and no shirt on. That would more than likely be me.
Thank god I get to do some fun things to unwind before I leave to unwind even more in Vegas. I plan on skim boarding the day I get back. Deleting all of my spam also sounds like a good idea, seeing as how that's probably the only thing in my inbox.
If anyone would like to see recent pictures I will try and post a couple before I leave for Defcon and if I don't get a chance to or I forget then I will definitly have them posted on my Defcon images part of my site. link
I'm glad I have some comments on my page, but what encourages me to write way more often is when I'm getting them each time I make a entry. So, yeh, I like comments. If they're negetive comments though, make sure to hide all sharp objects in site. Hmmm, I can't really think of anything to say right now...it's fucking hot (temp. kind). I got a webcam on my notebook (my sony picturebook, half of you have probably seen it) that I will have with me this year at Defcon. I'm pondering whether or not I'll have the webcam functional during the con. Who knows...maybe Jessica will let me set it up in the room ;p Comment, comment, comment. Love to all of you kind people who have missed me and wondered where I was. Sometimes it doesn't seem like many EVER think of me, or anyone besides themselves for that matter. Smile for me.
Hey, Happy Birthday!

happy birthday dude