I hate when people tell me what to feel. I hate when people tell me to do something that they think is good for me when I do not respect their beliefs or opinions. I believe most peoples opinions and beliefs are inaccurate and are lacking some particular important information. Their absence at night does not add to my thoughts when I lay to sleep or the burdens during my day. The thoughts I have through the course of the day makes who I am and the thoughts that they have through the day make up who I am not. All in all I believe that humanity has a distorted definition of what respect and love really are. I will cross their deserts and stay upon a dune to watch the last few fade away while I smile with my love by my side. It is incredible how much of one thing means to me, but I would rather it this way than be blinded in the way that most others are. They see many ways to a destination and I see graciouslly only one. Love gave birth to me. I am its child, but I am a only child.
Just thought I'd stop in and say HI, IM or email me if you ever just need to talk....
forget them