[SGB Experience - Orlando]
I thought I'd tell everyone about my night in Orlando at the SGB show. I was initally supposed to be going alone, then with like 5 different people. I ended up going alone...what a surprise. I leave from school at about 6 PM and end up in line at the Backbooth at about 8:30. The doors were supposed to open at 9 PM but didn't until like 9:10. I was in the first 15% of the line (near the front) so I was in there by like 9:30. I went in a found a chair that was kinda hidden along a bar stool area. I lucked out, I was the first one to see it that wanted to sit in it.
About 40 minutes goes by and someone taps me on my left. It's Shera(SG). She thought I was someone else apparently because when she got right up in my face she was all like, "Oops! Sorry." She went over to the bar, apparently to find who she thought I was. After that the first band went on. I forget the name of them but I didn't forget that I thought they were definitely not something I would want to listen to. After they finished, Whole Wheat Bread came on. They were tight as fuck. Imagine 3 black guys pulling off Emo/Punk type music and making it sound much better than half of the bands you know. I'm surprised they aren't very big yet actually.
After they played the SGB show started. All the girls made a great performance. When I stop and think I'm not able to pick any favorites. But before the show
Starr(SG) (she was there, just didn't perform) and Reagan(SG) were my favorite girls. Stormy(SG) was always great but I neglected to make her one of my favorites, dumb me. During the show I was hit with someones alcohol a couple times, a assload of chocolate syrup, and about 50 asses walking behind me. I was in the back of the room behind the bar stool area on a stool. Yet, I was only about 15 feet from stage max. All of the skits that they did were extremely hot and kicked ass but I had some favorites. One of them being Reagans(SG) shower girl skit. God, the whole show was great. I couldn't even begin to describe it at the level I saw it.
When it was over they went into the back room and cleaned all the syrup and whipped cream off of themselves. After that they came out, on the inside near the entrance, and sold misc SG things. One of which was a mid-sized poster that they were all willing to sign if you asked. Well, cheap ass me didn't bring enough money and a ATM wasn't close enough. I couldn't buy the $5 poster or anything else. I was so pissed off at myself for that. So, I grab a pamplet that advertises the SGB show for Backbooth and waited in a crowd of people...oh I'm sorry, apparently it was a line.After about 10 minutes I got an idea...Backbooth had posters for bands and visitors and all along the back wall that were upcoming. It was the only place inside that I saw it and I only saw one outside. I take the libery of taking this poster off the wall. It was actually a tiny bit bigger than the one they were selling for $5....just not as nice. The poster shows only that SGB shows related events on it. I may scan it and show you it soon. I'm standing in this crowd again and I was hoping they'd sign it. Through like 5 people scattered in front of me...almost making me completely hidden to the SGs...was Reagan(SG). She spotted me and we made eye contact. Sweet! Now's my chance to ask for her to sign my poster. She was kinda hiding in the corner away from everyone but behind the area where the SGs were. She stood up and came over to me and asked what I said. I asked her to sign it and we exchanged smiles and she signed it and smiled big and sat back down.
So, I thought...I want everyones signature. I started to ask them. I started with the first one that i caught her attention. It was Shera(SG). I asked her to sign it and she said, "Your supposed to buy our poster and we sign that"...in a nice questionable tone. I told her I couldn't cause I only had one dollar. I put my dollar in their tip bucket (it wasn't very full I don't think) and Stormy(SG) saw me do that. She yelled at me, "Awww thank you so much!" Said some other stuff too but I was kind of side tracked. Reason being because when she said it...she grabed hyold of me and pulled me to her from across the table and set a BIG fat kiss on my cheek. My eyes got big and I was like, "Whoa. ~grin~" During that Shera(SG) was signing my poster. Then Stormy(SG) signed it. They handed it back and I moved to the other side of the table where Starr(SG) and Pearl(SG) were. (I never saw Pearl(SG) before but she looked really good at the show tonight. I saw Starr(SG) seemed to be talkign to someone so in front of her I tried to ask Pearl(SG) for her to sign my poster. Starr(SG) thought I was talking to her, which I would definitely had first if given the proper chance...so she looked around for a pen and then signed my poster. I asked Pearl(SG) to sign it while Starr(SG) was signing it. When she finished signing it I handed it to Pearl(SG). While she was signing it I had a few minute talk with Starr(SG) (my 2nd favorite SG, 1st since I became a member) about photo sets, me doing modeling, how she likes it, etc. She was very sweet and actually seemed like she was enjoying the conversation instead of just waiting for her turn to talk. It really is nice to know these girls aren't bitches. That they're really nice and open and such. While I was talking to her me and Pearl(SG) made eye contact...she was calling for some of the other SGs that didn't yet sign my poster. She winked and got Sicily(SG) and Nixon(SG) to sign it for me. When me and Starr(SG) were done talking she gave me a big hug and said good luck and have a nice night. I got my back from Pearl(SG) and thanked everyone for like the 3rd time. "Thank you sooo so much!" Most of them, except Ravenisis(SG), heard me and saw me waving and smiled and waved back. I ended up leaving at around 2:30 I think...not sure, didn't check the time. Tonight was incredible! It was well worth it. A hug from a favorite SG and a kiss on the cheek from another. You bet your ass I'm gonna hang all the stuff from tonight on my wall.
What do you think of my night?
Signed SGB Poster
I thought I'd tell everyone about my night in Orlando at the SGB show. I was initally supposed to be going alone, then with like 5 different people. I ended up going alone...what a surprise. I leave from school at about 6 PM and end up in line at the Backbooth at about 8:30. The doors were supposed to open at 9 PM but didn't until like 9:10. I was in the first 15% of the line (near the front) so I was in there by like 9:30. I went in a found a chair that was kinda hidden along a bar stool area. I lucked out, I was the first one to see it that wanted to sit in it.
About 40 minutes goes by and someone taps me on my left. It's Shera(SG). She thought I was someone else apparently because when she got right up in my face she was all like, "Oops! Sorry." She went over to the bar, apparently to find who she thought I was. After that the first band went on. I forget the name of them but I didn't forget that I thought they were definitely not something I would want to listen to. After they finished, Whole Wheat Bread came on. They were tight as fuck. Imagine 3 black guys pulling off Emo/Punk type music and making it sound much better than half of the bands you know. I'm surprised they aren't very big yet actually.
After they played the SGB show started. All the girls made a great performance. When I stop and think I'm not able to pick any favorites. But before the show
Starr(SG) (she was there, just didn't perform) and Reagan(SG) were my favorite girls. Stormy(SG) was always great but I neglected to make her one of my favorites, dumb me. During the show I was hit with someones alcohol a couple times, a assload of chocolate syrup, and about 50 asses walking behind me. I was in the back of the room behind the bar stool area on a stool. Yet, I was only about 15 feet from stage max. All of the skits that they did were extremely hot and kicked ass but I had some favorites. One of them being Reagans(SG) shower girl skit. God, the whole show was great. I couldn't even begin to describe it at the level I saw it.
When it was over they went into the back room and cleaned all the syrup and whipped cream off of themselves. After that they came out, on the inside near the entrance, and sold misc SG things. One of which was a mid-sized poster that they were all willing to sign if you asked. Well, cheap ass me didn't bring enough money and a ATM wasn't close enough. I couldn't buy the $5 poster or anything else. I was so pissed off at myself for that. So, I grab a pamplet that advertises the SGB show for Backbooth and waited in a crowd of people...oh I'm sorry, apparently it was a line.After about 10 minutes I got an idea...Backbooth had posters for bands and visitors and all along the back wall that were upcoming. It was the only place inside that I saw it and I only saw one outside. I take the libery of taking this poster off the wall. It was actually a tiny bit bigger than the one they were selling for $5....just not as nice. The poster shows only that SGB shows related events on it. I may scan it and show you it soon. I'm standing in this crowd again and I was hoping they'd sign it. Through like 5 people scattered in front of me...almost making me completely hidden to the SGs...was Reagan(SG). She spotted me and we made eye contact. Sweet! Now's my chance to ask for her to sign my poster. She was kinda hiding in the corner away from everyone but behind the area where the SGs were. She stood up and came over to me and asked what I said. I asked her to sign it and we exchanged smiles and she signed it and smiled big and sat back down.
So, I thought...I want everyones signature. I started to ask them. I started with the first one that i caught her attention. It was Shera(SG). I asked her to sign it and she said, "Your supposed to buy our poster and we sign that"...in a nice questionable tone. I told her I couldn't cause I only had one dollar. I put my dollar in their tip bucket (it wasn't very full I don't think) and Stormy(SG) saw me do that. She yelled at me, "Awww thank you so much!" Said some other stuff too but I was kind of side tracked. Reason being because when she said it...she grabed hyold of me and pulled me to her from across the table and set a BIG fat kiss on my cheek. My eyes got big and I was like, "Whoa. ~grin~" During that Shera(SG) was signing my poster. Then Stormy(SG) signed it. They handed it back and I moved to the other side of the table where Starr(SG) and Pearl(SG) were. (I never saw Pearl(SG) before but she looked really good at the show tonight. I saw Starr(SG) seemed to be talkign to someone so in front of her I tried to ask Pearl(SG) for her to sign my poster. Starr(SG) thought I was talking to her, which I would definitely had first if given the proper chance...so she looked around for a pen and then signed my poster. I asked Pearl(SG) to sign it while Starr(SG) was signing it. When she finished signing it I handed it to Pearl(SG). While she was signing it I had a few minute talk with Starr(SG) (my 2nd favorite SG, 1st since I became a member) about photo sets, me doing modeling, how she likes it, etc. She was very sweet and actually seemed like she was enjoying the conversation instead of just waiting for her turn to talk. It really is nice to know these girls aren't bitches. That they're really nice and open and such. While I was talking to her me and Pearl(SG) made eye contact...she was calling for some of the other SGs that didn't yet sign my poster. She winked and got Sicily(SG) and Nixon(SG) to sign it for me. When me and Starr(SG) were done talking she gave me a big hug and said good luck and have a nice night. I got my back from Pearl(SG) and thanked everyone for like the 3rd time. "Thank you sooo so much!" Most of them, except Ravenisis(SG), heard me and saw me waving and smiled and waved back. I ended up leaving at around 2:30 I think...not sure, didn't check the time. Tonight was incredible! It was well worth it. A hug from a favorite SG and a kiss on the cheek from another. You bet your ass I'm gonna hang all the stuff from tonight on my wall.

What do you think of my night?
Signed SGB Poster
ok so my "daughter" had to call me to tell me all about you! I didn't even realise I already "knew" you. So now your my fav "son-in-law" too.
i keep finding new reasons why i totally regret not go to SGL.