A few days ago my friend had a graduation get together. I joined in on this of course. We got there and partied awhile...turns out someone brought boxing gloves. A whole bunch of people boxed and eventually I decided I wanted to also (for the first time ever). I boxed a bud of mine for about 2 hours. After that, we left with a couple drinks in hand and broke into the town pool. We have water slides, many pools, ground bound water guns, diving boards, the whole shabang. It's almost like a normal waterpark. When we first got there, before we jumped the fence, we saw a couple cops patrolling it. We hid in the bushes for awhile by where they were. (This town pool area is entirely lighted) They left and we jumped the fence. Of course I was the only one messed up enough to fall on my ass when I hit the ground. The fence seemed about 8 feet tall, I think it actually was. We jumped off the diving boards...I ripped the PJs, more than they were before, when I jumped off the big diving board. I never did that after a party, damn fun. Then, someones mom showed up and we thought it was a cop at first so i got out of the middle of the pool as fast as I could and ran like fuck. When we found out who it was we walked over there and ended up leaving. Oh, by the way, yes I was the only one falling on my ass on the way out too.
After that we drove to where the get together was, we were the only ones left at the party. So we did what anyone would have, we went to dunkin doughnuts. I had someone drive me in my car there and afterwards to my home. I got online and chatted awhile and talked on the phone some and then decided it was time to pass out on my bed. One hell of a night for me. Helped me take my mind of some things.
"What do you mean?"
"I can't believe your actually leaving, this can't be real. This can't happen, not now, not tonight. I don't want it to ever happen."
Today I got my first tattoo. Mid-shaft, some specific japanese writing. I'll push myself to show it off in my next set if I can, along with my surface piercings. Thank you to everyone supporting me. It means a lot to me. If someone is interested in helping me do a photo set, considering it's the summer, please let me know and we'll discuss the possibility. Especially if you have velvet rope and a classic white bathtub

"What do you mean?"
"I can't believe your actually leaving, this can't be real. This can't happen, not now, not tonight. I don't want it to ever happen."

Today I got my first tattoo. Mid-shaft, some specific japanese writing. I'll push myself to show it off in my next set if I can, along with my surface piercings. Thank you to everyone supporting me. It means a lot to me. If someone is interested in helping me do a photo set, considering it's the summer, please let me know and we'll discuss the possibility. Especially if you have velvet rope and a classic white bathtub

wait, did you say shaft?