Currently I'm reading Xenocide by Orson Scott Card. I've heard the whole series (8 on tape), then listened to 'First Meetings in Ender's Universe' which is something to add to the whole Enderverse, and finally read War of Gifts. There are many more books, but I have yet to get my hands on them. Now I'm planning on reading all the books instead of just listening to most of them. For some reason I have an easier time listening to a book rather than reading it, but once I listen to it reading it is way more possible. I get way too easily distracted, but when I already know the whole story and I still love it I'm more inclined to read the whole thing.
I read Enders Game and Speaker for the Dead months ago, but I finally went out and got Xenocide and I've been reading it a lot more frequently than I read the other books. As soon as I finish it I'm switching to the forth book in the series which is called Children of the Mind.
The first four books are based around Ender and everything going on around him. I'll spare you of any plots because then what would you have left to do when your done reading this? They're called Enders Game, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, and Children of the Mind. Then starting on the 5th book the story focuses on someone named Bean who Ender was close to in the first book. Those books are called Enders Shadow, Shadow of the Hegemon, Shadow of the Giant, and Shadow Puppets. I'm not sure on the order of those though. All of the books are tied together, but Beans story in the...hmmm....home-side portion of it all. Both characters are very likable and the story has some great truths in it. I wouldn't put it above Robert Heinlein, but I know people who hate Heinleins' writing so you never know. I think Heinlein is the best as far as science fiction goes, but that's only my opinion.
Maybe next time I'll post I'll have something to talk about that you might be interested in. I'm just not really in the mood to talk about myself right now is all. It's just no fun

I read Enders Game and Speaker for the Dead months ago, but I finally went out and got Xenocide and I've been reading it a lot more frequently than I read the other books. As soon as I finish it I'm switching to the forth book in the series which is called Children of the Mind.
The first four books are based around Ender and everything going on around him. I'll spare you of any plots because then what would you have left to do when your done reading this? They're called Enders Game, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, and Children of the Mind. Then starting on the 5th book the story focuses on someone named Bean who Ender was close to in the first book. Those books are called Enders Shadow, Shadow of the Hegemon, Shadow of the Giant, and Shadow Puppets. I'm not sure on the order of those though. All of the books are tied together, but Beans story in the...hmmm....home-side portion of it all. Both characters are very likable and the story has some great truths in it. I wouldn't put it above Robert Heinlein, but I know people who hate Heinleins' writing so you never know. I think Heinlein is the best as far as science fiction goes, but that's only my opinion.
Maybe next time I'll post I'll have something to talk about that you might be interested in. I'm just not really in the mood to talk about myself right now is all. It's just no fun

And thanks for the comment on my Motorhead set