I first joined SG in Febuary. I had stumbled across some SG photos on iMesh, and they intrigued me, so I decided to give the site a shot and joined. What I found was not only a bevy of unique and fabulous women, but an apparent 'community' mentality, complete with message boards, groups, profiles, etc. I thought I'd found a great place to make some...
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dude...I TOTALLY wasn't offended...don't worry. I was just stating that fact. It's totally cool.
you remind me of my friend at work. he's overly crittical about everything he sees too. you guys would get along great. but canceling your membership just cause you dont "fit the profile" (so to speak) seems like a cop-out reason to me. when the groups were first created i though the site would get extreamly divided. but i simply stopped worrying about that and enjoyed the site for what it was. and to keep tabs on my friends i made here.
For those of you who are interested, and don't know, I work retail in a casino. Well, today the place made me more miserable than ever, which resulted in the following passage being jotted down on scrap paper. It felt good to get it out of my system....
Jolted awake while sleepwalking through another day among the sheep, I'm disgusted with where I find myself....
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Jolted awake while sleepwalking through another day among the sheep, I'm disgusted with where I find myself....
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I'm sorry you don't make enough money to support your outrageous drug habits
I kid.
In any case, it's pretty fucking scary to wake up and see what's really around you, isn't it? It's a depressing, narcissistic world we live in, and you get to deal with the people who inhabit one of the smarmiest slices of it.
Sorry, yo.

I kid.
In any case, it's pretty fucking scary to wake up and see what's really around you, isn't it? It's a depressing, narcissistic world we live in, and you get to deal with the people who inhabit one of the smarmiest slices of it.
Sorry, yo.
Am I a total goober for thinking that I might be able to forge any sort of meanignful friendship with anyone I meet through SG? And are all of the SG's themselves as jaded as the few I've attempted to talk to?
Am I a total goober for thinking that I might be able to forge any sort of meanignful friendship with any of the SG's? And are all of the SG's as jaded as the few I've attempted to talk to?
I've made a descision regarding the upcoming Dixie Chicks concert. I'm bringing a sign that says, "Shut up and sing!" should Natalie start up again. I don't want my enjoyment of their music sullied by her lameass liberal agenda.
I think celebrities, whether liberal or conservative, should shut the hell up unless they have done a LOT of homework on world politics and history. The...
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I think celebrities, whether liberal or conservative, should shut the hell up unless they have done a LOT of homework on world politics and history. The...
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You ought to check this thread out. You may have an ally in souljacker.
Put it this way, I'm disinclined to believe that there is much nobility involved in all of the events including and leading from 9/11. There is far too much about the whole thing that we are both receiving not second but maybe third or fourth hand. Whether you watch FOX or I read Disinfo.com. 9/11 polarised American feelings and policies. I'm sure you agree with that. And a leader machiavellian enough would take advantage of that. It might not even be Dubya making those decisions. He has his own PR consultants and advisors, people capable of being far colder than him. The ends justifies the means. SO no Dubya doesn't have to be the blame, but he IS the figurehead of America. Naturally he will attract the flying cream pies and rotten tomatoes.
You're right, I don't have any basis to make that statement except some inferences made by articles highlighted by the document I offered you. Many links of which are NOT to what you might call 'subversive' publications, but some mainstream ones like the New Yorker or even USA Today. I prefer to be pessimistic and cynical in my choices of opinion rather than optimistic.
I don't feel it is a tragedy at all that we cannot change each other's minds. I wasn't in this debate to do that. I was in it to throw my ideas against yours and to see what came out of it, what was still standing. Look through my posts, I've changed. Haven't you? I'm here hoping to gain something from the exchange. Probably not that much but so what? We need variety in our political views. As long as neither represents too much of a majority then this is a good thing.
Anyhow, good game
[Edited on May 31, 2003]
You're right, I don't have any basis to make that statement except some inferences made by articles highlighted by the document I offered you. Many links of which are NOT to what you might call 'subversive' publications, but some mainstream ones like the New Yorker or even USA Today. I prefer to be pessimistic and cynical in my choices of opinion rather than optimistic.
I don't feel it is a tragedy at all that we cannot change each other's minds. I wasn't in this debate to do that. I was in it to throw my ideas against yours and to see what came out of it, what was still standing. Look through my posts, I've changed. Haven't you? I'm here hoping to gain something from the exchange. Probably not that much but so what? We need variety in our political views. As long as neither represents too much of a majority then this is a good thing.
Anyhow, good game

[Edited on May 31, 2003]
Just won my latest Ebay auction...
A seventh row floor ticket to see the Dixie Chicks at the Fleet Center!
SEVENTH ROW, muthafuckaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!
A seventh row floor ticket to see the Dixie Chicks at the Fleet Center!
SEVENTH ROW, muthafuckaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!
delta of venus...... havent yet, wanked to it ... haha although i wouldnt be doing any wanking since im a girl...... guess i could do other things...... maybe ill try it now
very interesting music selection.

very interesting music selection.

I saw both the establishment media and the anti-establishment media portrayals of that famous event of Iraqis defacing statues of Hussein.
The former would say that it was happening everywhere, that it was spontaneous. The latter said they were just isolated incidents and if one was able to go to a wide-angle view, one would see that only the 20 or so Iraqis in direct view were dancing around, the rest were just standing around and some very official looking US personnel seemed to be guiding them off-camera. Ted Rall opened his written article on that very picture of the defacement of Hussein by referring to that famous WWII picture of the 5 marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima, that decades after it made history, it turns out it was a staged photograph, it was not a spontaneous act. It is however no less powerful in it's symbolism. WWII is too far away for me to feel offended by that truth.
The pictures and footage I saw did not help me decide who was right. It was ambiguous to say the least.
I would personally view everything on CNN or FOX news with some skepticism if I were you. CNN and FOX are under two conflicting pressures. It is unfair to accuse to them of failing as journalists. If they were to always tell the truth, they would make enemies powerful enough to remove them. They do the best they can within the limits imposed on them by the hand that feeds them. Be true to L'Esprit Journalisme or true to their business partners and power brokers?
The former would say that it was happening everywhere, that it was spontaneous. The latter said they were just isolated incidents and if one was able to go to a wide-angle view, one would see that only the 20 or so Iraqis in direct view were dancing around, the rest were just standing around and some very official looking US personnel seemed to be guiding them off-camera. Ted Rall opened his written article on that very picture of the defacement of Hussein by referring to that famous WWII picture of the 5 marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima, that decades after it made history, it turns out it was a staged photograph, it was not a spontaneous act. It is however no less powerful in it's symbolism. WWII is too far away for me to feel offended by that truth.
The pictures and footage I saw did not help me decide who was right. It was ambiguous to say the least.
I would personally view everything on CNN or FOX news with some skepticism if I were you. CNN and FOX are under two conflicting pressures. It is unfair to accuse to them of failing as journalists. If they were to always tell the truth, they would make enemies powerful enough to remove them. They do the best they can within the limits imposed on them by the hand that feeds them. Be true to L'Esprit Journalisme or true to their business partners and power brokers?
Have you ever seen a Squonk's tears? Well, look at mine.
Have you ever seen Emily tears?
aw yr picy is gone too
..sad... its lke a tornato came through sg land and swept everything away....
haha... k, thats being a bit dramatic... but yah... hi

haha... k, thats being a bit dramatic... but yah... hi

It's official - America's popular culture is going down the goddamned toilet. Why the FUCK do so many people care about American Idol?
And WHY do so many of these new hard rock bands suck so badly? Christ, the Donnas have more balls than these clowns. Whiney, whiney lyrics. Lame, soulless vocals that sound like freaking commercials. It's infuriating.
And movies! Everyone was so freaking...
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And WHY do so many of these new hard rock bands suck so badly? Christ, the Donnas have more balls than these clowns. Whiney, whiney lyrics. Lame, soulless vocals that sound like freaking commercials. It's infuriating.
And movies! Everyone was so freaking...
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I just read your post about Zombi III. I bought it used, so I could complete my Fulci collection. Turns out Fulci bailed on the movie, cuz he was sick. It's definitely not the best. There was even a Zombi 4. I bought that one used, get home to find that there's a copy of Zombi III inside. AHHHH! I can't escape it's wrath!
I like the DVD extras when they interview the "stars" of III. The interviewer keeps asking them questions, and the people are acting like, "Why the fuck are you dwelling on this suck film for so long?"
My favorite scene: The sped-up machete wielding Zombie. The rest was funny, just to see an island of Zombi Filipinos.
I think I'm dwelling on it too much..... I'm out.
I like the DVD extras when they interview the "stars" of III. The interviewer keeps asking them questions, and the people are acting like, "Why the fuck are you dwelling on this suck film for so long?"
My favorite scene: The sped-up machete wielding Zombie. The rest was funny, just to see an island of Zombi Filipinos.
I think I'm dwelling on it too much..... I'm out.
fnm is excellent but i have grown to love patton's more obscure projects.
It's official - America's popular culture is going down the goddamned toilet. Why the FUCK do so many people care about American Idol?
And WHY do so many of these new, allegedly 'metal' bands suck so badly? Christ, the Donnas have more balls than these clowns. Whiney, whiney lyrics. Lame, soulless vocals that sound like freaking commercials. It's infuriating.
And movies! Everyone was so freaking...
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And WHY do so many of these new, allegedly 'metal' bands suck so badly? Christ, the Donnas have more balls than these clowns. Whiney, whiney lyrics. Lame, soulless vocals that sound like freaking commercials. It's infuriating.
And movies! Everyone was so freaking...
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I would have to agree with 100% on this.
The ring was terrible! a total waste of 2 hours of my life.
The ring was terrible! a total waste of 2 hours of my life.
All right, that's enough pissing and moaning for now. More later!
hahah.. no no, im not vegan. - But, i do like an occational vegan meal... some of them are pretty good. -But i eat TOO much meat..... my roomie use to give me shit and tell me i was going to have a heart attack coz i ate so much meat. ... mmmm.. meat. -but certain things are good the vegan way. like pad thai, for example.. with tofu instead of eggs in it... and the fake meat soy stuff is really good too..its te next best thing... but it doesnt beat the real thing! .... yum

update yr journal geek

For a place that fancies itself liberated and foreward-thinking, it seems the SG site is just as full of cliqueyness and closed-mindedness as any place else. And to think that I once fancied that I would fit in!
Anyway, I'll most likely quit after Emily's new set finally gets posted, and maybe once I see if a couple of friends of mine get accepted as...
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Anyway, I'll most likely quit after Emily's new set finally gets posted, and maybe once I see if a couple of friends of mine get accepted as...
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Take a shot at Rockabilly, Punk, Metal, Fetish, Raver ... Dumpy Housewives aren't here to debate with you.
And yes, it's cliqued up.
No, but I've accused of being Aqualung
Edited for Jethro Tull reference
[Edited on Apr 21, 2003]
And yes, it's cliqued up.
No, but I've accused of being Aqualung

Edited for Jethro Tull reference
[Edited on Apr 21, 2003]
Thanx!!! FNM certainly do rule!!! Plus you like Ozzy!! I love his early solo stuff with Randy Rhoads!
Argh...another freaking sinus infection. Wonderful. At least I got to go to Dairy Queen, and had a cherry-dipped ice cream for the first time since I was about ten. It was very nostalgic, but then EVERYTHING makes me nostalgic. I'm just corny like that.
For a place that fancies itself liberated and foreward-thinking, it seems the SG site is just as full of cliqueyness and closed-mindedness as any place else. And to think that I once fancied that I would fit in!
Anyway, I'll most likely quit after Emily's new set finally gets posted, and maybe once I see if a couple of friends of mine get accepted as SG's. I wouldn't want anyone to be inadvertantly exposed to my point of view or anything.
Anyway, I'll most likely quit after Emily's new set finally gets posted, and maybe once I see if a couple of friends of mine get accepted as SG's. I wouldn't want anyone to be inadvertantly exposed to my point of view or anything.