And that's my last baby: "En todas las esquinas" acrylic on wood 35x49cm
It seems that everybody love animals, specially cats.
Well, cats I can't coz my son would get Arnold's eyes in Total Recall after 5 minutes,
Soo we have the mistress of the house:
I'm proud to present you our killer girl Nikita. (breed Akita Inu)
She really is a killer damn bitch, I love her but in the las 2 years, she did kill hundreds of bugs, 26 lizzards, a little bird (I don't know how she did that one
) and FIVE cats. All this in her territory, her garden.
Fortunatelly she's an angel with persons. I really love her.

It seems that everybody love animals, specially cats.
Well, cats I can't coz my son would get Arnold's eyes in Total Recall after 5 minutes,
Soo we have the mistress of the house:
I'm proud to present you our killer girl Nikita. (breed Akita Inu)
She really is a killer damn bitch, I love her but in the las 2 years, she did kill hundreds of bugs, 26 lizzards, a little bird (I don't know how she did that one

Fortunatelly she's an angel with persons. I really love her.

qu'est tu devenu ? peintre, photographe ? les deux ?? peut etre que je changerais un jour aussi mon statut...en tout cas bonne chance pour la suite