Bloody Monday!
Week-end: party friday, pretty traditional one time sex with my wife while drunks, hangover, Sunday BBQ in the garden with friends, lot of fun:
Monday conclusions:
- I know it will last about another 3 weeks to have sex again, and that sucks. And it will probably happen again when drunks.
- I think I'm in love with that girl I kissed 3 weeks ago, I can't take her out of my mind, even when I'm with my wife.
- Well, actually no, I'm in love with the idea of beeing in love again*.
- I realize that frienship with your wife is cool but it's not enough.
- I'm trapped in that situation, because of compromise, family (my son), house, job still in stand-by.
- I realize it's the end of a long story, and it's gona be an endless agony. Not really appealing.
*I'd love to share more intereses than go for a walk, biking or to a restaurant. When we go out, I'd love to spend my time dancing with the person I care and be with her all time not talking and dancing with my friends. I'd love to spend three days closed in an hotel room and do nothing than caress each other, make love, eat, sleep and start over again.
Job: 1 month already waiting for 2 estimates to be signed, nothing else foreseen for the moment.
Fuck, the light at the end of tunnel is much further again.
I'd better go back to paint
And that's how I feel: trapped "atrapado" 20x25cm
Video-art pieces I made (including the music), see the mpeg compression distortions as a choice not a result.
Close up
The last three:
"Ritmo de Sombra" 34x49cm
"Mama y sus Cditos" 25x35cm
"Torcules" 20x25cm

Week-end: party friday, pretty traditional one time sex with my wife while drunks, hangover, Sunday BBQ in the garden with friends, lot of fun:
Monday conclusions:
- I know it will last about another 3 weeks to have sex again, and that sucks. And it will probably happen again when drunks.
- I think I'm in love with that girl I kissed 3 weeks ago, I can't take her out of my mind, even when I'm with my wife.
- Well, actually no, I'm in love with the idea of beeing in love again*.
- I realize that frienship with your wife is cool but it's not enough.
- I'm trapped in that situation, because of compromise, family (my son), house, job still in stand-by.
- I realize it's the end of a long story, and it's gona be an endless agony. Not really appealing.
*I'd love to share more intereses than go for a walk, biking or to a restaurant. When we go out, I'd love to spend my time dancing with the person I care and be with her all time not talking and dancing with my friends. I'd love to spend three days closed in an hotel room and do nothing than caress each other, make love, eat, sleep and start over again.
Job: 1 month already waiting for 2 estimates to be signed, nothing else foreseen for the moment.
Fuck, the light at the end of tunnel is much further again.
I'd better go back to paint
And that's how I feel: trapped "atrapado" 20x25cm

Video-art pieces I made (including the music), see the mpeg compression distortions as a choice not a result.
Close up
The last three:
"Ritmo de Sombra" 34x49cm

"Mama y sus Cditos" 25x35cm

"Torcules" 20x25cm

AHH! Sorry everything has been so busy! I will try hard to get it done for you!!
