3 weeks count down to stop SG membership...
I'll keep hooked until last day.
Finally the big production rush did come to an end.
almost 800 kg of fantasy jewelry came out the door last week.
This week we were able to dedicate our time to create instead of produce.
Still a loot of work but more fullfilling.
Moneywise, like for everybody with the crisis, it's getting worse and worse.
That sucks when one did invest everything right before the crisis.
Expectations didn't follow and we are digging our hole.
Question is: will we be able to have enough backbone to wait for better time or we'll have to go and live under a bridge. 2nd option seems right now the soon to come reality. Not a appealling idea when ones almost 50' and did fucking work hard all his life.
I don't deserve this.
Ok, ok, there's a lot of people that for only beeing born where they are are much less lucky then me, but that doesn't make my life easier.
I'll keep hooked until last day.
Finally the big production rush did come to an end.
almost 800 kg of fantasy jewelry came out the door last week.

This week we were able to dedicate our time to create instead of produce.
Still a loot of work but more fullfilling.
Moneywise, like for everybody with the crisis, it's getting worse and worse.
That sucks when one did invest everything right before the crisis.
Expectations didn't follow and we are digging our hole.
Question is: will we be able to have enough backbone to wait for better time or we'll have to go and live under a bridge. 2nd option seems right now the soon to come reality. Not a appealling idea when ones almost 50' and did fucking work hard all his life.
I don't deserve this.
Ok, ok, there's a lot of people that for only beeing born where they are are much less lucky then me, but that doesn't make my life easier.
Espero que mejoren las cosas... y deja un myspace o algo para que te sigamos la pista! (tu web no va