First I though it was a leaf...
Work is killing me and my couple
Too many responsabilities, too many problems, too many investment.
A team of 3 leading but 1 to be lead, 3 different personalities, but not complementary.
I just wana be creating new stuff and don't have to worry about suppliers and so.
I just want to have holydays (3 years without it now) and rest, and travel...
I would like to go back to photography, I juts need to paint again...
I did have sex once in the last 4 months but I don't even remember.
Shit! life really sucks for the moment. And there's no light at the end of the tunnel. Pure darkness
Un 8 no es difcil de sacar si haces las cosas medio bien... yo es que soy muy perfeccionista. Aunque bueno tambin hay profes que aunque tengas todo perfecto te ponen un 5 por faltar o porque no les caes bien xD
Siii, es la Diagonal, est justo arriba de mi casita.
Y bueno a ver si te relajas y mejoran las cosas un poquito. Vaya putada sin vacaciones
Mi amor nuevo es una EOS5