Continuing to try and get back into blogging. I use to really enjoy it so no idea why I seem to of stopped for a while.
Anyway, I'm jumping on the homework bandwagon to talk about my summer plans.
I just got back from centre parcs on Monday, which is kind of like a holiday/ wilderness park in the UK. It was super fun though, just saw lots of wildlife, went cycling, swimming, reading, walking. It was a nice break.
I'm also going to see Arcade fire tomorrow night in London which I'm super excited for, they're one of my favourite bands and I've genuinely loved ALL of their albums. Which is quite a rare thing these days.
I'm also going to a convention later in July LFCC to meet lots of game of thrones people and generally be a fan boy.
I think that's about all my plans for now but I'm sure they'll increase. I've never been a great planner, as I've said before I prefer being a bit spontaneous.
I'll leave you with a pic of my new haircut (got it cut a bit shorter for summer)
Taylor : )