It's the weekend but It probably won't be a very exciting one, I got the date wrong on when my essay is due in so I'm having to work like mad to get it finished for next week. However, saying this I actually went on a date last night for the first time in ages and I think it went well, she's really sweet. I was a bit nervous but I made her laugh a few times. There was still a really awkward point when saying goodbye at the end of the night though, in hindsight I think I should of gone in for a hug or something at least : / awkward. I've never been very good at making moves and such, I'd rather leave that to her! haha. On the plus side I recently bought some Hollister jogging bottoms and I think they have to be the comfiest things ever. So now I'm just working on this essay, in my joggers, listening to the new arcade fire album, It's really good, I loved Funeral and Neon Bible and I think this is up there with them, for some reason I wasn't all that into The Suburbs. Anyway check it out perhaps : )