I don't feel good about making major decisions at this time of the month. I feel different, not myself. I feel like something is about to change regardless, I just hope that in the end I come out happier than before.
David Blaine is a freak! Did anyone else see the part where he pulled that girl's tooth out? That shit was crazy!!
zezoner is leaving for Europe in a week and I am excited for him, but at the same time sad. I WILL MISS HIM SO MUCH!

David Blaine is a freak! Did anyone else see the part where he pulled that girl's tooth out? That shit was crazy!!
zezoner is leaving for Europe in a week and I am excited for him, but at the same time sad. I WILL MISS HIM SO MUCH!

I miss you!! Are you just busy? Or do we need to talk?? I really miss you, Girlie. A lot.