I'm letting my membership lapse...I have some other things going on in my life right now...nothing bad, just need to reprioritize a few things. I may be back, but for now...ta ta everyone!!
The trip to BC was SERIOUSLY the trip from HELL. I am too tired to write all about it, but it took me nearly TWELVE hours to get home from Vancouver. EIGHT of that was because of Phoenix and America West.
You know what sucks? My mom works for them here and I hate them too. Especially in Phoenix, their HQ; they do not have their shit together. I only like them because I get a mad discount. Other than that they suck AND blow. We took a trip once and my mom (who works for them) and my kids sat at the fucking PHX airport for 12 hours trying to get a flight. It ruined our trip.
strange....i once had to sleep over in salt lake city, and if im remembering rightly, it had something to do with that airline. maybe im wrong, though
either way, done and done
glad youre home safe, take care
DAMNIT! I had an entire journal and I lost it! ARGH
Okay, let's try again....I gave myself a pedicure yesterday. My toes are the same ruby red that Dorothy's slippers are in the Wizard of Oz. New manicures make me feel super-sexy. Even if I am just in jeans, if you can see my toes, then I feel hot. It's a pretty bright red- even... Read More
So, have you tried that stuff called Barefeet by Freeman? It's good stuff. There's a foot soak, scrub, and lotion. I use it when I get home from work. It makes my feet feel feettastic!!!! And makes them smell all nice too!
Ahhh...birthday is over. It was a good day! Got my massage- must have had some serious knots in my shoulders, because she worked the CRAP out of them. I thought *I* had a killer elbow. Yikes. Dinner with the hubby, and then an episode of Law and Order. It was a great day. I am feeling more relaxed than I have felt all year. Note... Read More
It's ma birf-daaaayyy bo-eeeeeeeey! yea! The big THREE-OH. Do I feel any different? Nope. Maybe because I won't *officially* be 30 until 3:36 this afternoon. Right in the middle of my massage. God, I can't wait! Gonna be a good day!
Have a super wonderful, fantastic, orgasmic day! I know I will
MY ASS you didn't write that email to make me upset. You would not have cc'd it to my BOSS if you didn't think it would get me in trouble. "Constuctive criticism" WTF?!? That's a bunch of bullshit, and you know it! You wrote that email to be mean, spiteful, and bitter. Of course, all the people you... Read More
I have now have Teaches with Peaches going through my head...Fuck the Pain Away...that's great. It's going to be stuck there ALL day. I have to get a new song in my head and FAST. Dang.
So, apparently, I am mean, and two of my former employees were TERRIFIED of me. WHAT?! That's the last thing in the world I would describe myself as- MEAN.... Read More
I'm back from my road trip. It's amazing how full circle things can be sometimes. My first trip to Tucson was with my best friend, and her last trip out of Tucson was with me. I helped her move in to her house, and helped her move out. It was kind of surreal. The drive was pretty easy, until Saturday night. Raton Pass in the... Read More
I think I know your husband but I wont use his name here. Im not sure if its cool with y'all. How funny. I play drums for F.U.C.T. like once a year. Ha Ha. Im not in an active band, but I want to join one soon. Maybe next school semester.
Usually, bands are always looking for drummers (on the + side). At my age though, I want it to be very worthwhile because I have a family, so I am a fuckin snob about it.
Your husband probably feels the same way.
Yeah my hunch was right. Anyways I used to practice at that place with a band called Cortex Bomb. On the third floor, and my kit is huge! It sucked. I hated that place. 2 AM after a gig, all drunk carrying shit up 3 flights of stairs. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
please take care
(and watch out for that vicious job youve got)