Well not to much to say. That girl I was to go out with called and asked if we could try going out one more time. I told her no. You are not going to fuck me over 3 times. She was pissed but i dont care. She was cute and all but i am not going to get fucked over 3 times. Other then...
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word. you tell that bitch off. heh heh.
Well i did not go on my date. OOOO well fuck her then. My little girl is so so so so cute. She got so much for x-mass. My parants spent to much money on her. But we had fun. Lots of it. How was all yuor x-mass???? hope you all had good ones. A big hug and kiss to all the ladys.
happy new year!
Well i am sad. My date called off. I am so so so so sad about that. But it is ok. We are going to go out next tue. So that is all 4 now hope you all are doing good and having fun. OOO and by the way nice nice picstoots.
hope you had a good christmas!
Well have not updated in some time. But how are you all doing???? And a big HELLO to all the girls on the sit. Done nothing to fun. Have had to work alot. Went to court and won. So my ex is not geting to much money from me. She is only geting $120 not $400 like she wanted. They told her to get a...
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23 and already in court with an ex? At least you got the first one out of the way. Statistics say third time's a charm, right?
Heh heh. I of course was assuming you were getting a divorce. My friends are all at the marrying stage and are just starting to have the offspring.
My point being that my mind is being controlled by suburban women on the east coast.
My point being that my mind is being controlled by suburban women on the east coast.
MMMMMMMMMM not much to say. My little girl was crying so much when i brought her back to her mom. I love it whaen she does that. Her mom was so pissed. That makes me so happy. What i am told my littel girl wants me all the time her mom has her. My little one all ways wants to chat with me on the...
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I'm happy you are happy. Your little girl sounds like a dream.
Damn I'm hungry for the weekend ! Feed me some good times! Have a great weekend yourself.......or else he'll get you....
Damn I'm hungry for the weekend ! Feed me some good times! Have a great weekend yourself.......or else he'll get you....
Aww, I babysit a little girl like that. I have to be really careful not to say anything that she might relate to her daddy or she will cry and cry. I really wish she got to see him more.
Anyway I'm glad you are happy.
Anyway I'm glad you are happy.
MMMMMMMM i like shadows
I sit in the shadows of my mind
Longing for the old
Wishing for my old life
Rembering the way life was
The joy I had
I long for my old ways
The pain of my new life is becoming to much
I sit in the shadows of my mind
For I no if I leave them I will die
I sit in the shadows of my mind
Longing for the old
Wishing for my old life
Rembering the way life was
The joy I had
I long for my old ways
The pain of my new life is becoming to much
I sit in the shadows of my mind
For I no if I leave them I will die
then bring them with you, duh
Well hope you all like this one that i did.
My Dark Love
I see her
Her long black hair
Her deep blue eyes
Her ruby red lips
Her pale white skin
I see the longing in her eyes
As she walks toured me
For I no what she wants from me
She wants my blood
She tacks me to her room
She pushes me...
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My Dark Love
I see her
Her long black hair
Her deep blue eyes
Her ruby red lips
Her pale white skin
I see the longing in her eyes
As she walks toured me
For I no what she wants from me
She wants my blood
She tacks me to her room
She pushes me...
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i like it alot
xo annabelle
xo annabelle
I'll keep trying until I get it. I don't quit.
Well i got one more to put up. By reading it you can see me and my ex are fight over my kid. Damn exs. Hope i win. I dont no what i would do if i losted my little girl.
As I stand here as they pulled us apart
I look in to her eyes
I see all the love she has for...
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As I stand here as they pulled us apart
I look in to her eyes
I see all the love she has for...
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See what happens when you have a shitty weekend? You go nuts. Now go and enjoy yourself!
Well not to much going on with me. Have not done to much. Gone out drinking other then that i have not done any thing at all but play with me little girl. I am puting this one up just for Sindy. Hope you like it.
I want to keep her from the world
I want to keep the world form her...
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I want to keep her from the world
I want to keep the world form her...
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Are you trying to protect her from everything? Or just wish you could?
I wish I could live in my own coccoon of eutopia.
I wish I could live in my own coccoon of eutopia.
Do you know what his job is? To make sure that your weekend is going smoothly!
ok boys and girls i have not put one of my poems up in some time. This one is on the dark side of things. Hope you all like it.
He stands over her body
He seas what he has done to this young girl
Her face
Her naked body
What had he done to this young thing
He looks back
He remembers...
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He stands over her body
He seas what he has done to this young girl
Her face
Her naked body
What had he done to this young thing
He looks back
He remembers...
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Your poem kinda made my stomach turn, since there's a rapist loose in my neighborhood right now......
Thank you darlin'!
I couldn't get through your poem I get weird feelings about that kinda stuff.
I couldn't get through your poem I get weird feelings about that kinda stuff.