Well i spent the night with the cops last night. My ex would not let me see my kid.(that bitch).she would not let me because i could not get her more money tell i get payed.So i went out and got relly drunk. The beer did not help any. I could not get the fact that i could not see my little angel.
I got a little to drunk and the cops gpt called on me. I was trying to start a fight with any one that was around me. So i am going to go see some one about geting my little girl form my ex.but it is going to cost me $1200. Dont no how i am going to come up with it. My mom told me she might help me out with it. Hope so. But got to go to work soon. See you all later.

Does it really cost that much to go to court for custody? That is just not fair at all.
Wish I had something helpful to say.