Friday Dec 23, 2005 Dec 23, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Well Hi Hi HI HI Hi Hi Hi Hi. Dont No Why I Did That. Nothign Much To Say. Just S.S.D.D. OOOOO Well. Been Working 16 Hour Days. Been Up NOw 4 28 Hours And I Got To Go To Work In Like 4 Hours To. valexis: I hate both my jobs. If I could do one or the other and make $60,000 (not too much, right?) I might not wake up dreading getting there. Why up for 28 hours? What the hell are you doing? If you're still up with nothing to do, check out my new pics. I totally dig 'em, but then again, they're mine. Dec 28, 2005
Why up for 28 hours? What the hell are you doing?
If you're still up with nothing to do, check out my new pics. I totally dig 'em, but then again, they're mine.