So much to talk about. Get my camera back. Yay! I spent all weekend locking horns with technology, a fight which I did finally win. Take that iTunes library transfer to a new computer! You are my bitch now!
Anyway, fall is officially happening here in Western PA. I plan on getting up early and taking some photos while jogging. 500 Days of Summer reference anyone?
I think I have talked my brother and sister-in-law into seeing Minus The Bear with me in a couple weeks. With songs like Pantsuit... Uggghhh, Booyah Acheived, and Monkey!!! Knife!!! Fight!!! I just couldn't go to this show alone.
Now that I have officially began shopping for my Halloween costume, I decided to show you guys a picture of a robot costume I made for my pumpkin last year. Happy Monday!

Anyway, fall is officially happening here in Western PA. I plan on getting up early and taking some photos while jogging. 500 Days of Summer reference anyone?
I think I have talked my brother and sister-in-law into seeing Minus The Bear with me in a couple weeks. With songs like Pantsuit... Uggghhh, Booyah Acheived, and Monkey!!! Knife!!! Fight!!! I just couldn't go to this show alone.
Now that I have officially began shopping for my Halloween costume, I decided to show you guys a picture of a robot costume I made for my pumpkin last year. Happy Monday!

Sometimes I mix up my Zooey Deschenel references. I think the one I made was from the movie Yes Man, not 500 Days of Summer. Excuse me for being an idiot.