My mom's birthday falls on a day that either coincides with or closely coincides with Mother's Day, that lucky fucker! She never lets us kids take her out or buy her gifts, so instead we started bringing alcohol so we can get drunk and talk about all the cool and stupid shit the family has up to. That's a pretty good substitute, I think.

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For all of my bitching about this Rusted Root show at a hotel bar in Butler, it was a pretty enjoyable evening. Two out of the four bands I could have done without, but I got to dance in a hippie circle with a guy wearing a skirt, and hear a couple songs I recognize.

I guess I was transferring my nervous energy about who...
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My books! Are top three.
In order to prepare myself for the Rusted Root concert this week, I went to see Blind Pilot at Mr. Small's last week. I knew Mr. Small's existed, but I had never seen a show there until last Friday. I'd like to think the reason why I have never been there before is because I have mostly been living in L.A. for the past 10...
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I was guilt-tripped by a friend into going to see Rusted Root in a couple of weeks. Yes, that Rusted Root. They are playing in a hotel bar in Butler, Pennsylvania. My friend likes to get on my case about how we don't hang out as much as we used to, and how we used to be best friends but now we hardly talk and...
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Here's the link to that photo again, since it did not seem to stick in my original post. Also my favorite part about being a gooner in America is getting thoroughly rip-roaring drunk at 8AM like a steaming pile of Hotspurs.

Did everyone survive the holidays? I made it out alive, but feel like I have been through a war. My new year's resolution is to start a band with my instrument playing family members. If you have any suggestions as far as band names go, let's throw some at the wall and see what sticks.

Speaking of sticking, we finally got our first snowfall of...
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No posts for a while. Sorry, I started a new full-time job and go to school full-time, so what extra time I have I do not usually spend it on the interweb. Once I get the hang of my time crunch, I'll be back. Just in case, season's greetings, happy holidays, and all of that everyone! I'll see you in the new year!

Here is...
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Thank you for sharing the love of great tunes, it is the tits indeed!!haha
Me at 7:50PM last night: I'm not sure why In Time got such bad reviews. I mean, it looks like it will be at least half decent.

Me at 10PM last night: Boy that movie was pretty fucking terrible. I wish my time would have expired so I didn't have to watch it anymore.

Thanks Justin TImberlake, you are back on my SHIT List. The...
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