Last night at work was interesting.
After coming in and going over all the money and numbers. I work out one of the other managers out to the valet. While talking, some guy comes running out of the casino with things falling out of his pockets. Paying no attention to him I continued my conversation.
Next comes this older gentleman and an employee chasing the first guy. The employee says the older gentleman in one of the Hotel's Vice Presidents.
So I figured I should help not knowing why exactly it was he was being chased.
To make a long story short....because I got to run........I knocked the guy out cold and had him arrested for some stupid shit. With all the excitment I still remained vain. While wrestling with him, all I could think of was not messing up my hair or wrinkling my suit. Good to know I still have priorities.
Last night was my last night at work and now I'm on vacation!
I can't wait to be on the beach sleeping/passed-out in the Sun and drinking pina coladas.
After coming in and going over all the money and numbers. I work out one of the other managers out to the valet. While talking, some guy comes running out of the casino with things falling out of his pockets. Paying no attention to him I continued my conversation.
Next comes this older gentleman and an employee chasing the first guy. The employee says the older gentleman in one of the Hotel's Vice Presidents.
So I figured I should help not knowing why exactly it was he was being chased.
To make a long story short....because I got to run........I knocked the guy out cold and had him arrested for some stupid shit. With all the excitment I still remained vain. While wrestling with him, all I could think of was not messing up my hair or wrinkling my suit. Good to know I still have priorities.
Last night was my last night at work and now I'm on vacation!
I can't wait to be on the beach sleeping/passed-out in the Sun and drinking pina coladas.
thats a cool story, so did you find out in the end and did the VP give you a rap for you work. Talking about me time I will be in America on Tuesday first San Fran then Chicago and on to Atlanta, I will have to catch up with you next time so near yet so far bugger.
I hope Jamaica was great! Isn't today your birthday? Your profife says the 13th.... I could have sworn you said today.... anyway, happy birthday