@dicentra Here you go...sorry it took so long (was a very hard season tbh)
1. What made you want to join SG?
A: nearly 2 decades ago, I met one of my soulmates on here & some of my most genuine, lifelong friends. I joined hoping to discover/build such connections again hopefully.
2. How much do you use the website in your day to day life?
A: I reflexively tap the app, and check it whenever board...so fairly often.
3. How much does SG mean to you?
A: It used to mean a lot, as a rare and unique place to connect with cool/uninhibited people.
4. How can you be more involved in the community?
A: Y'ALL...please, do tell. Cripple Man would love an online/remote job with Y'ALL lol.
5. What would you like to see change?
A: I'm all-support for the hustle of sexy-empowered ladies (my mom was even a sex- worker, folks, so ZERO hate/judgment from me) but do you know how many fake accounts there are pushing shady/illegal OF shit is on here now? It's truly defeating & makes me genuinely sad.
6. What are the things that make you want to stay?
A: The same things that made me join & come back with hope - even while it has dwindled - unique/genuine people & true ladies of deeper beauty. Connection/friendships.
7. What content would you want to see more of? Refer to the above answers while accepting/understanding that I'm still a very dirty-minded GENTLEMAN (key)... the rest I leave to yalls inclinations, creativity & drives etc.
8. How likely are you to come back once your subscription runs out? (For people who do pay, obviously.)
A: I'm honestly not sure anymore...it's been leaning toward very unlikely for a long before now. Would've canceled in the first week tbh - I saw how things turned for the worse pretty fast. Sadly, there was no way for me to get a refund.
**I'd still love to have all that proven wrong though & stay/connect with the awesome/ genuine ones I know are here***
~Joe TNT