Thank you all for your warm wishes. The situation is currently under control though I'm still experiencing the after effects -- weird sleep -- not eating enough -- bad dreams -- feelings of hatred sloppily mixed with feelings of concern and love -- and lots of dread and fear. Dread and fear, fear and dread.
Today I woke up minus one contact, so I'm blind as a bat, stumbling around my house like a crackmonkey. I had to call out of work because I would've never made it there alive.
Work yesterday was a drag, as it usually is on Sundays. But four well-endowed martinis, a glass of homemade wine, and two Tom Collins later, I was feeling pretty peachy.
I can't remember ever having a good or even halfway decent Thanksgiving -- that said, I hope you guys had great ones. My hell-day was simply assigned to me so that it might balance out your wonderful days. Balance is critical, afterall.
The day after Thanksgiving, er, Black Friday that is, anticus came into town and we went bowling. Despite whatever lies he may spread, I kicked his ass. Also -- back me up here -- if you end with a score of 69, you AUTOMATICALLY win, right? I thought so...
I've been listening to Fiona Apple constantly since Black Friday -- I knew there was a mood she was meant for. I suppose I'm in it.
Today I woke up minus one contact, so I'm blind as a bat, stumbling around my house like a crackmonkey. I had to call out of work because I would've never made it there alive.
Work yesterday was a drag, as it usually is on Sundays. But four well-endowed martinis, a glass of homemade wine, and two Tom Collins later, I was feeling pretty peachy.
I can't remember ever having a good or even halfway decent Thanksgiving -- that said, I hope you guys had great ones. My hell-day was simply assigned to me so that it might balance out your wonderful days. Balance is critical, afterall.
The day after Thanksgiving, er, Black Friday that is, anticus came into town and we went bowling. Despite whatever lies he may spread, I kicked his ass. Also -- back me up here -- if you end with a score of 69, you AUTOMATICALLY win, right? I thought so...
I've been listening to Fiona Apple constantly since Black Friday -- I knew there was a mood she was meant for. I suppose I'm in it.

I see you and Poe seem to have patched things up