Assignment for those who have carelessly fallen out of the loop. Go to this site. Listen to my music. I even tossed a joke song in there for kicks. It's about a loon I once dated -- for those of you who came to my party, he was the one climbing up my front door using the wood framed glass panes for footing and bending the lock on my back fence. I suppose chopping up my entire bedroom furniture set with an ax was just a sample. Of course, I wrote the joke song before I lived with him for a month and before any of the aforementioned events took place, thus the song portrays him as benignly and even endearingly insane. My mistake. Lyrical adjustments are on my to do list.
For those are you who are in the loop, I love you and leave you with this quote from one of the best movies ever.
"You might be a king or a little street sweeper, but sooner or later you dance with the reaper."
For those are you who are in the loop, I love you and leave you with this quote from one of the best movies ever.
"You might be a king or a little street sweeper, but sooner or later you dance with the reaper."