New song on my solo project page, here. Every Multi song on there starts with a "B". Not sure why I've used that letter so much in titling (not a word) songs. But yeah, go listen if you want. "Bullet" is my very first hate song. It's about this worthless scumsucking maggot bitch I used to know.
Also, while you're at myspace, go check out my roommate Will's solo project Dead New Year. He's paying me in gumdrops to help him promote. He is also currently looking for a drummer if anyone in the Richmond area is interested. Bah. Me love Will. One of the coolest guys you'll ever meet.
Also, fuck me with some words. I'm jones'n.

Also, while you're at myspace, go check out my roommate Will's solo project Dead New Year. He's paying me in gumdrops to help him promote. He is also currently looking for a drummer if anyone in the Richmond area is interested. Bah. Me love Will. One of the coolest guys you'll ever meet.
Also, fuck me with some words. I'm jones'n.
two more comments and i will. so comment again and again!!!! I need 100.
You do not suck, dear angel.