My apologies to assorted people I've wronged.
~Daddy, I'm sorry I fucked off in college on your dime.
~Grocery Store, I'm sorry I stole over 10,000 dollars from you. Wait, no I'm not.
~Everyone, I'm sorry I'm always late.
~Everyone, I'm sorry I'm always broke.
~Whitman, I'm sorry I misquoted you that one time in 11th grade.
~Puddy and Holler, I'm sorry I buy generic catfood sometimes.
~Housemates, I'm sorry I'm a slob sometimes.
~Dave, I'm sorry I called you stupid. That was my anger speaking. Everything else was true.
~Raquel, I'm sorry I called you a loser. That was my anger speaking also. You are not a loser by any means.
~Will, I'm sorry I turned you into a chain smoker.
~Kyle, I'm sorry about all the stress you experience.
~Justin, I'm sorry my cats are shitting in your cat's litter box. I'll clean it.
~Russ, I'm sorry I left a bad taste in your mouth. You are a fucking awesome person and I miss hanging out.
~Wayne, I'm sorry I don't write.
~Jake, I'm sorry I called you shallow. You are not shallow. And I'm also sorry I didn't say goodbye to you before you left Richmond
~Brandon, Rodney, etc, I'm sorry I never answer my phone. It's nothing personal.
~Jonny, also sorry I'm so hard to get in touch with. I love the band and what we do. I'll TRY to be better.
~Adam (my brother), I'm sorry that I was born cooler than you.
~RCA, Epic, Dreamworks, I'm sorry you haven't discovered me yet. Keep trying.
and most of all, Maudlin the Mouse, where most of my guilt lies......
I'm so sorry I didn't get you a cage with bars that were closer together when I realized the first time that you could escape with a little effort. If I had remedied the problem, you wouldn't have gotten out and my cats wouldn't have played you to death. I miss you.
~Daddy, I'm sorry I fucked off in college on your dime.
~Grocery Store, I'm sorry I stole over 10,000 dollars from you. Wait, no I'm not.
~Everyone, I'm sorry I'm always late.
~Everyone, I'm sorry I'm always broke.
~Whitman, I'm sorry I misquoted you that one time in 11th grade.
~Puddy and Holler, I'm sorry I buy generic catfood sometimes.
~Housemates, I'm sorry I'm a slob sometimes.
~Dave, I'm sorry I called you stupid. That was my anger speaking. Everything else was true.
~Raquel, I'm sorry I called you a loser. That was my anger speaking also. You are not a loser by any means.
~Will, I'm sorry I turned you into a chain smoker.
~Kyle, I'm sorry about all the stress you experience.
~Justin, I'm sorry my cats are shitting in your cat's litter box. I'll clean it.
~Russ, I'm sorry I left a bad taste in your mouth. You are a fucking awesome person and I miss hanging out.
~Wayne, I'm sorry I don't write.
~Jake, I'm sorry I called you shallow. You are not shallow. And I'm also sorry I didn't say goodbye to you before you left Richmond
~Brandon, Rodney, etc, I'm sorry I never answer my phone. It's nothing personal.
~Jonny, also sorry I'm so hard to get in touch with. I love the band and what we do. I'll TRY to be better.
~Adam (my brother), I'm sorry that I was born cooler than you.
~RCA, Epic, Dreamworks, I'm sorry you haven't discovered me yet. Keep trying.
and most of all, Maudlin the Mouse, where most of my guilt lies......
I'm so sorry I didn't get you a cage with bars that were closer together when I realized the first time that you could escape with a little effort. If I had remedied the problem, you wouldn't have gotten out and my cats wouldn't have played you to death. I miss you.

Wow, i hope you feel better. If you want to say sorry anymore you can be sorry i have no place to go on thanksgiving. Damn my parents for moving to Hampton, VA.
RIP Maudlin the Mouse....