Nathan came in the other night, like clockwork...I had everything planned...I was going to ask him to come to my show on the 20th...I figured that way he could see me in my element, and maybe have a few drinks. Also, if he wasn't interested I figured he could bow out, and then I would know. I didn't even get that far. In fact, I barely made eye contact with him. He came in with his GIRLFRIEND.
And she wasn't entirely hideous. In fact, she was pretty cute.
I have so much work to do. I'm sitting here, dreaming up melodies to almost 2 dozen songs. And I can't find an adapter that works with this DX100, which is pissing me off because I don't wanna spring for 6 C batteries.
OK...I need a job...preferably something with flexible if anyone in Richmond can help me, please let me know asap. I'm done with my job -- my boss has suddenly, and for no logical reason, started treating me like shit. She's being completely unprofessional...and she'll get her lot. I'm trying to get fired, subtley, so I can collect unemployment, but I might have to quit. Either way, before I leave, every sandwich in that store is going to have a bite taken out of it, every bag of chips will be mysteriously transformed into a bag-o-crumbs, and there will be slim jims spinning on the roller grill.

And she wasn't entirely hideous. In fact, she was pretty cute.

I have so much work to do. I'm sitting here, dreaming up melodies to almost 2 dozen songs. And I can't find an adapter that works with this DX100, which is pissing me off because I don't wanna spring for 6 C batteries.

OK...I need a job...preferably something with flexible if anyone in Richmond can help me, please let me know asap. I'm done with my job -- my boss has suddenly, and for no logical reason, started treating me like shit. She's being completely unprofessional...and she'll get her lot. I'm trying to get fired, subtley, so I can collect unemployment, but I might have to quit. Either way, before I leave, every sandwich in that store is going to have a bite taken out of it, every bag of chips will be mysteriously transformed into a bag-o-crumbs, and there will be slim jims spinning on the roller grill.

She did finally. After much prompting from me. I had to call Kyle & Will's to find her b/c I don't have a # for her (and yours is not working
What's up with your house? Did you guys get it yet? I'd kick some rental office ass if I were you. It must be driving you nuts staying with your ex.
So are we still on for merch modeling??? Oh, and remember me telling you about that thing for the 'Chew on this' magazine & SG's??? Well...they need one for next month missy! Give me a call chica!