INFP -- that's my personality type. Go take the Myers-Briggs test online and share yours. I took two very different versions of the test, and the percentages were almost exactly the same -- not to mention I was an INFP 4 years ago as well. I feel like I've changed immensely, but it's refreshing to see that some things...well, some things never change. I represent about 4% of the population, roughly, but then...I really only represent myself, all things considered.
I would like to take a moment to thank the Coca-Cola company for making this tasty Orange Fanta that is quenching my thirst like no other.
Today is Matty's birthday. I need to get/make something special for him (he's my boss and good friend). I don't know what to do though...
SG Burlesque was fun. I think I was only about one drink shy of an extremely unpleasant morning, but luckily, some little slut stole my last drink, thereby limiting my consumption of mind-altering substances. My motor skills were still far from finely tuned -- luckily, I did not have to operate anything motorized. It was nice meeting everyone, and I love the picture of us at the Last Supper with Jesus. Voondavah Feck!
I have made a very important decision not to have sex ever again unless I'm in love, and I fucking mean it. I almost didn't post anything about this, because it makes me look like a sappy, pathetic, emo-prude who takes big pictures of her eyes with her web-cam, and quotes Dashboard Confessional lyrics while searching the web for an attractive, crafty, liar with a scenestery haircut just waiting to spew a huge line of bullshit to a naive, love-starved, insecure brooding emo-broad.
Well, for the record (the absolute, non-negotiable record), that's very much not me. I'm doing this because I am secure with myself. I'm doing this because I have engaged in meaningless sex multiple times -- I've engaged in somewhat meaningful sex many times -- and to be perfectly honest, even sex that may have seemed slightly passionate and meaningful at the time has failed to do anything notable to my life. Nothing. Jack. It's fucking pointless. I'm a very sexually charged person; however, I'm also very self-concerned. If something seems counterproductive to me -- brings no real joy to my life-- takes nothing, leaves nothing, means nothing, then it seems only natural that I should quit. It's not like I'm promiscuous -- I'm very much not -- I haven't had sex although I liked the dude, the dude was very much not the end of my rainbow. Sure, the sex was great, but c'mon, it's JUST SEX. It's over now, and it has not made me a better or worse person. It has come and gone. I've felt breezes that affected me more than most of the sex I've had. The climax of life cannot revolve around something so easy, something so fun, something so fucking possible. It's too simple a solution for some people -- I'm not buying it. Life is trickier than you might imagine. This isn't going to be something that is easy for me, or the shallow sex goddess that inhabits my loins. In a week, I'll probably be flirting with a lusty lad, knowing full well that I will want to drop my drink, and order him against the wall with a shard of glass...or any comparable situation. My decision will then seem illogical, especially to me, at the time of "impact" -- when the lust infects the blood, the blood moves faster, the rush kicks in -- BUT, I will picture myself, the next day, gently fighting to remove his hairy, unlovable arm from my back, as I try to leave without waking him...I'll see that, and I'll remember the numbness -- the lack of caring, the nausea that springs from the numbness -- the way I always feel after anything meaningless -- be it as innocent as cuddling, or as dirty as doggystyle in the laundry pile. It's nothing to me. Nothing at all. My passion is a waste when again misplaced. Definitely not gonna go falling in love anytime soon -- I'm apparently just not open to that sort of thing now -- he, (the only one I've loved) might have fucked up my inner Valentine, in which case, I'll be celibate for a while, and you know what guys, I'm completely at peace with that. Anybody wanna cyber?
I have nothing else to say. Maybe you do. Let's hear it.
I would like to take a moment to thank the Coca-Cola company for making this tasty Orange Fanta that is quenching my thirst like no other.
Today is Matty's birthday. I need to get/make something special for him (he's my boss and good friend). I don't know what to do though...
SG Burlesque was fun. I think I was only about one drink shy of an extremely unpleasant morning, but luckily, some little slut stole my last drink, thereby limiting my consumption of mind-altering substances. My motor skills were still far from finely tuned -- luckily, I did not have to operate anything motorized. It was nice meeting everyone, and I love the picture of us at the Last Supper with Jesus. Voondavah Feck!
I have made a very important decision not to have sex ever again unless I'm in love, and I fucking mean it. I almost didn't post anything about this, because it makes me look like a sappy, pathetic, emo-prude who takes big pictures of her eyes with her web-cam, and quotes Dashboard Confessional lyrics while searching the web for an attractive, crafty, liar with a scenestery haircut just waiting to spew a huge line of bullshit to a naive, love-starved, insecure brooding emo-broad.
Well, for the record (the absolute, non-negotiable record), that's very much not me. I'm doing this because I am secure with myself. I'm doing this because I have engaged in meaningless sex multiple times -- I've engaged in somewhat meaningful sex many times -- and to be perfectly honest, even sex that may have seemed slightly passionate and meaningful at the time has failed to do anything notable to my life. Nothing. Jack. It's fucking pointless. I'm a very sexually charged person; however, I'm also very self-concerned. If something seems counterproductive to me -- brings no real joy to my life-- takes nothing, leaves nothing, means nothing, then it seems only natural that I should quit. It's not like I'm promiscuous -- I'm very much not -- I haven't had sex although I liked the dude, the dude was very much not the end of my rainbow. Sure, the sex was great, but c'mon, it's JUST SEX. It's over now, and it has not made me a better or worse person. It has come and gone. I've felt breezes that affected me more than most of the sex I've had. The climax of life cannot revolve around something so easy, something so fun, something so fucking possible. It's too simple a solution for some people -- I'm not buying it. Life is trickier than you might imagine. This isn't going to be something that is easy for me, or the shallow sex goddess that inhabits my loins. In a week, I'll probably be flirting with a lusty lad, knowing full well that I will want to drop my drink, and order him against the wall with a shard of glass...or any comparable situation. My decision will then seem illogical, especially to me, at the time of "impact" -- when the lust infects the blood, the blood moves faster, the rush kicks in -- BUT, I will picture myself, the next day, gently fighting to remove his hairy, unlovable arm from my back, as I try to leave without waking him...I'll see that, and I'll remember the numbness -- the lack of caring, the nausea that springs from the numbness -- the way I always feel after anything meaningless -- be it as innocent as cuddling, or as dirty as doggystyle in the laundry pile. It's nothing to me. Nothing at all. My passion is a waste when again misplaced. Definitely not gonna go falling in love anytime soon -- I'm apparently just not open to that sort of thing now -- he, (the only one I've loved) might have fucked up my inner Valentine, in which case, I'll be celibate for a while, and you know what guys, I'm completely at peace with that. Anybody wanna cyber?

I have nothing else to say. Maybe you do. Let's hear it.
how about that cyber?
oh and im sorry if i offended anyone about the one night stand thing. some people get down like that just not me
did you ever hear anything about that sg album thingie with the crazy sg rap battles?