puppy love:
(n) Basically, "puppy love" is a term used to describe what many kids/teenagers/whatever call love, implying that they are incapable of the same type of true love that adults are capable of. However, "puppy love" is most likely equally common among adults.
puppy love:
To love someone as per the first sight as one sees a pup after it is just born and falls instantly in love.
Generally regarded as irresponsible and reserved for those inexperienced with relationships.
Hmmmm... doesn't sound familiar...but I played Barbies until I was damn near 15, so I was a late bloomer...either way, sounds like more fun than sacrificial love, right?
When I talked to Walter on the phone tonight he was welding, doing alterations on his house. I said "Walterations?", and he laughed...
Yes, I play piano with both hands. Where have you been? I know, I know...
For those who have inquired, "Multi" is not a band -- it is my solo project. I've recruited musicians to record the EP with me the in studio -- bass, drums, possible guitar -- all extraordinarily talented. I'll be singing and playing piano, but I've given up the snobbish desire to do EVERYTHING myself. I'm a decent drummer, but I wanted something REALLY tasty, and I'm not tasty enough for my own approval.
As for bass, I've been writing bass lines on the keyboard -- we all know how much better a bass line can sound on an ACTUAL BASS GUITAR by a friggin musical master. I haven't written any guitar for the songs being recorded, but the suggestion came up -- and the guitarist is kickass, so if he can add something to it, I'm all for it. I just want some serious "Nice Styles" -- this is my baby. My GOD, it's my fucking baby, and it has to be perfect. I'm going to pay for an extra studio day now. I'll worry about mastering and pressing costs later -- yikes.
But yeah, no more "demo" -- I'm just gonna go the extra step and make it an EP. I don't know when I'll have talent like this in the studio with me again. Sorry to blab about this so much -- I swear I cannot control myself. The guys helping me out can be found at Rockbot.com (sorry the URL function is being feisty tonight)
Allen's having a party at the end of this month. Presumably, Andrew Hart, an old flame of mine (no, not EVEN puppy love) is coming. We talked for the first time in over 4 years in November -- I would love to have a beer with that fucker. It's been so long. Wonder if he's fat and bald, and still good at jeopardy. He never DID IT for me -- but we made excellent friends, for a time.
Where there are pictures of Traci, there will be pictures of me.
Who knew??????????????????? You don't have to know what I'm talking about, and you won't, so just give up.
I found my GnR T-shirt. That made about 10 of my days. I thought my ex bandmates stole it. I'll go ahead and give them credit for not stealing SOMETHING. Oooooh, I'm dirty, I know, but not as dirty as EM-FUCKING-BEZZLEMENT. Boo!
I told him we had no future -- in nicer words I think...or I may have used those words...dear me, I seem to have forgotten. Either way, we had no future.
Today she told me I "hide my feelings well." She said she wishes she could -- that I need to teach her. It just comes from NOT FEELING MUCH OF ANYTHING for a long long time -- so when I actually feel something, I'm pretty well practiced in the art of coldness. Regardless, there's no reason to HIDE feelings -- I find true feeling to be so rare that when it rears it's beautiful little head, I'll smack myself if I try to retreat. THAT IS, true GOOD feelings. I'll still continue to hide my indecent, evil, sad, sorry, and pathetic feelings -- those that have no value outside of my head.
I ain't no pussyass.
If you make me love you though, god bless you...you've succeeding in picking up a pretty practiced piece of puppy love, or so they say.
But I'll have you know, I'm wise to almost EVERYTHING.
while still managing to trip over my laces, run into lamp posts, and miss everything but the final sentence of your story.
I made this world -- I may as well fucking live in it. Right now it revolves wholly around mushrooms with ranch dressing, Multi, the celebration of a full two weeks of mismatched socks, and my new Dune dvd. Want in? Send resumes and sweet nothing to the prime minister of Charon, Pluto's moon. He'll know how to get in contact with me.
I'm only crazy in a few lobes. But not crazy enough to carve said lobes out and leave them in a blanket on your doorstep with a note that says "Abortion of Insanity. It was your sperm."
This is extrafantasterrifically long. Almost done -- ride it, baby, ride it to shore.
ps- more new pics in candids
(n) Basically, "puppy love" is a term used to describe what many kids/teenagers/whatever call love, implying that they are incapable of the same type of true love that adults are capable of. However, "puppy love" is most likely equally common among adults.
puppy love:
To love someone as per the first sight as one sees a pup after it is just born and falls instantly in love.
Generally regarded as irresponsible and reserved for those inexperienced with relationships.
Hmmmm... doesn't sound familiar...but I played Barbies until I was damn near 15, so I was a late bloomer...either way, sounds like more fun than sacrificial love, right?
When I talked to Walter on the phone tonight he was welding, doing alterations on his house. I said "Walterations?", and he laughed...
Yes, I play piano with both hands. Where have you been? I know, I know...
For those who have inquired, "Multi" is not a band -- it is my solo project. I've recruited musicians to record the EP with me the in studio -- bass, drums, possible guitar -- all extraordinarily talented. I'll be singing and playing piano, but I've given up the snobbish desire to do EVERYTHING myself. I'm a decent drummer, but I wanted something REALLY tasty, and I'm not tasty enough for my own approval.

Allen's having a party at the end of this month. Presumably, Andrew Hart, an old flame of mine (no, not EVEN puppy love) is coming. We talked for the first time in over 4 years in November -- I would love to have a beer with that fucker. It's been so long. Wonder if he's fat and bald, and still good at jeopardy. He never DID IT for me -- but we made excellent friends, for a time.
Where there are pictures of Traci, there will be pictures of me.

Who knew??????????????????? You don't have to know what I'm talking about, and you won't, so just give up.

I found my GnR T-shirt. That made about 10 of my days. I thought my ex bandmates stole it. I'll go ahead and give them credit for not stealing SOMETHING. Oooooh, I'm dirty, I know, but not as dirty as EM-FUCKING-BEZZLEMENT. Boo!
I told him we had no future -- in nicer words I think...or I may have used those words...dear me, I seem to have forgotten. Either way, we had no future.
Today she told me I "hide my feelings well." She said she wishes she could -- that I need to teach her. It just comes from NOT FEELING MUCH OF ANYTHING for a long long time -- so when I actually feel something, I'm pretty well practiced in the art of coldness. Regardless, there's no reason to HIDE feelings -- I find true feeling to be so rare that when it rears it's beautiful little head, I'll smack myself if I try to retreat. THAT IS, true GOOD feelings. I'll still continue to hide my indecent, evil, sad, sorry, and pathetic feelings -- those that have no value outside of my head.
I ain't no pussyass.

If you make me love you though, god bless you...you've succeeding in picking up a pretty practiced piece of puppy love, or so they say.
But I'll have you know, I'm wise to almost EVERYTHING.
while still managing to trip over my laces, run into lamp posts, and miss everything but the final sentence of your story.
I made this world -- I may as well fucking live in it. Right now it revolves wholly around mushrooms with ranch dressing, Multi, the celebration of a full two weeks of mismatched socks, and my new Dune dvd. Want in? Send resumes and sweet nothing to the prime minister of Charon, Pluto's moon. He'll know how to get in contact with me.
I'm only crazy in a few lobes. But not crazy enough to carve said lobes out and leave them in a blanket on your doorstep with a note that says "Abortion of Insanity. It was your sperm."
This is extrafantasterrifically long. Almost done -- ride it, baby, ride it to shore.
ps- more new pics in candids
happy thursday
