Hello, hello.
Just a quick update to let you know that my band will hitting to road briefly in late April/May, and you should come see us. Tour dates will be posted here as I book them. So far.
Sunday Apr 27- DC - The Velvet Lounge
Monday Apr 28- NYC- Arlene's Grocery
Tuesday Apr 29- Jersey or Philly TBA
Wednesday Apr 30- Pittsburgh, PA- The Smiling Moose
Thursday May 1- Dayon, OH- The Nite Owl
Friday May 2- TBA
Sat May 3- TBA
Our debut full length album will also be available for purchase in about 3 weeks. 10 of 12 songs are currently available for purchase on our myspace page. Help supplement our exiguous incomes. The full length album at a discounted price will be available for sale as soon as SNOCAP fixes whatever glitch is preventing it from showing up. You can pre-order the actual physical CD on the myspace page as well, and when it arrives back from the pressing plant, we will ship it to you. MID MARCH. We need as much money as we can for tour so we can afford to ditch our meager jobs for a week+. The rental van alone will be $500+ so please if you like what you hear, buy the cd. I'll throw in free stickers!

Just a quick update to let you know that my band will hitting to road briefly in late April/May, and you should come see us. Tour dates will be posted here as I book them. So far.
Sunday Apr 27- DC - The Velvet Lounge
Monday Apr 28- NYC- Arlene's Grocery
Tuesday Apr 29- Jersey or Philly TBA
Wednesday Apr 30- Pittsburgh, PA- The Smiling Moose
Thursday May 1- Dayon, OH- The Nite Owl
Friday May 2- TBA
Sat May 3- TBA
Our debut full length album will also be available for purchase in about 3 weeks. 10 of 12 songs are currently available for purchase on our myspace page. Help supplement our exiguous incomes. The full length album at a discounted price will be available for sale as soon as SNOCAP fixes whatever glitch is preventing it from showing up. You can pre-order the actual physical CD on the myspace page as well, and when it arrives back from the pressing plant, we will ship it to you. MID MARCH. We need as much money as we can for tour so we can afford to ditch our meager jobs for a week+. The rental van alone will be $500+ so please if you like what you hear, buy the cd. I'll throw in free stickers!

seriously, if you guys have an opening and it's not terribly out of the way you should come play. it's a fun lil venue full of craziness and carnival things!