Sometimes, I am sad. Sometimes, I am not. If I couldn't feel sorry for myself every now and then, I might forget that I'm a woman.
He is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. Occasionally I plunge wrecklessly into overthought sentimentality, and I should be ignored...
and quite possibly ashamed.
"Forever" is just a calming agent; it satiates the ego's lust, and puts the selfish mind at ease. It kicks the ass of worrisome Worry, and spawns the sentence. "Ha! Look what I got!". It's a gift, not a requirement. I'm a bumbling moron. I'll make sure future journal entries have a run through the idiocy-checker before posting.
He is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. Occasionally I plunge wrecklessly into overthought sentimentality, and I should be ignored...
and quite possibly ashamed.
"Forever" is just a calming agent; it satiates the ego's lust, and puts the selfish mind at ease. It kicks the ass of worrisome Worry, and spawns the sentence. "Ha! Look what I got!". It's a gift, not a requirement. I'm a bumbling moron. I'll make sure future journal entries have a run through the idiocy-checker before posting.

i want to be happy all the time, is it too much to ask for eternal bliss?

glad he made you feel all better again!