My heart just melted. Well, I dunno if melted is the word, but for the first time in almost a year, my ex boyfriend actually made an EFFORT to contact me.
Why am I so weak when it comes to matters of the Stig? I seem to be able to blow off anyone else who screws me over without looking back, but with Bryan, I dunno, I can't seem to say goodbye forever.
Bryan was my best friend, my lover, the only guy I've ever been completely in love with and devoted to. He hurt me. Everytime I think I'm done missing him, something reminds me that I'll never be. This particular time, he found me on friendster...and well, that's that. Maybe he's just being routine and finding people that he knows...'cept I'm the only friend on his list right now...I don't even know how he found guess is he TYPED in my name...took the time to type in MY name to see if I was on there. Stuns me. Either way, I feel really funny. I felt even funnier, when it said "Bryan has requested that you add him as a friend. Approve this request only if you and Bryan are really friends. Are you friends with Bryan?" I sat there, staring at the screen...and then clicked yes. I guess, in some twisted way, we'll always be friends.
"You're the only one who really knew me at all." - Phil Collins
Why am I so weak when it comes to matters of the Stig? I seem to be able to blow off anyone else who screws me over without looking back, but with Bryan, I dunno, I can't seem to say goodbye forever.
Bryan was my best friend, my lover, the only guy I've ever been completely in love with and devoted to. He hurt me. Everytime I think I'm done missing him, something reminds me that I'll never be. This particular time, he found me on friendster...and well, that's that. Maybe he's just being routine and finding people that he knows...'cept I'm the only friend on his list right now...I don't even know how he found guess is he TYPED in my name...took the time to type in MY name to see if I was on there. Stuns me. Either way, I feel really funny. I felt even funnier, when it said "Bryan has requested that you add him as a friend. Approve this request only if you and Bryan are really friends. Are you friends with Bryan?" I sat there, staring at the screen...and then clicked yes. I guess, in some twisted way, we'll always be friends.
"You're the only one who really knew me at all." - Phil Collins

Let's burn it.