this is the 4th time within the past couple of months that this has happened to me. i meet someone, start to like them, they give me the impression that they really like me, and then they just never call me back. what the fuck??? what am i supposed to feel?? what am i supposed to think??? this fucking sucks. i keep asking myself, am i so dispensable? if it were just him, it wouldn't be so bad, but 4 people in a row??
i have to call him tonight, in spite of your guys' advice. i can't handle this again. i have 3 recent open-ended "relationships" and i have to have some sort of closure on this one. i can't sit around chewing my fingernails to the bone hoping that he will call....
i have to call him tonight, in spite of your guys' advice. i can't handle this again. i have 3 recent open-ended "relationships" and i have to have some sort of closure on this one. i can't sit around chewing my fingernails to the bone hoping that he will call....
never let the social and emotional shortcomings of others cloud your perspective of yourself.
don't call him. its friday night, go out and get your mack on. maybe you will meet a nice swedish boy.
: )
it'll work out okay for you. if he's a chump, better to find out now rather than later.