i unexpectedly have today off.
to do:
--wash dishes so i can actually eat something
--clean room so i can see the floor again, and maybe vacuum it
--call a friend who's supposed to bring me clothes so i can do drag tomorrow
--call the bowling alley and ask them some questions about tomorrow
--bring halloween pictures to the developing place
--write a story that's swimming in my head
--study swedish
--practice fire-spinning
--read the charlotte bronte biography (why do i always feel a kinship to women who have been dead for at least a hundred years???)
--clean the black hairspray stuff from halloween out of my bathtub
--throw away my rotting jack 'o' lanterns
--etc. etc.
what i am doing now:
astrologically, scorpio has been having a stronger effect on people this year. have you noticed more sexual energy in yourself and others? have you noticed your "dark" side showing a lot more lately?
to do:
--wash dishes so i can actually eat something
--clean room so i can see the floor again, and maybe vacuum it
--call a friend who's supposed to bring me clothes so i can do drag tomorrow
--call the bowling alley and ask them some questions about tomorrow
--bring halloween pictures to the developing place
--write a story that's swimming in my head
--study swedish
--practice fire-spinning
--read the charlotte bronte biography (why do i always feel a kinship to women who have been dead for at least a hundred years???)
--clean the black hairspray stuff from halloween out of my bathtub
--throw away my rotting jack 'o' lanterns
--etc. etc.
what i am doing now:
astrologically, scorpio has been having a stronger effect on people this year. have you noticed more sexual energy in yourself and others? have you noticed your "dark" side showing a lot more lately?
haaay girl, just checking in to see if you know what the plans are for tonight's mission... email me or post in my journal if you get this in the next couple hours. later!

Uh, yeah. Ditto what Eve and MrSatan said.