joyrider, echo, claudia, zanarki, tuff, digdug, voltaire, maxx, gwen, marie, EricAllen, donkey, siren, jolene, postop, macbastard, muller and everyone else i'm forgetting but especially minimalism, i'm glad i met you and got to hang out with you. i think i have a crush on each and every one of you now.
all of the sg's are so much cuter in person, i was in awe.
i will treasure my memories of this weekend. at least, the ones that i actually remember.
if anyone wants to help me fill in some blanks, especially on thurday night, it would be much appreciated.
(later edit: i keep having to come back and add someone else that i forgot. i'm going to stop doing that and go watch ocean's eleven or something. so if you're not up there, i still love you, i just have a bad memory.)
i met my real mother on the way home. considering i've never really thought of myself as someone who had a mother like everyone else does, and considering all of the lies and distortions about her that still haunt me from my childhood, it was overwhelming. after about 2 hours, i could feel the little panic monsters coming to take over, and had to turn down her offer for dinner even though i was quite hungry.
after all that's happened this weekend, i was pretty shell-shocked, but very very happy.
all of the sg's are so much cuter in person, i was in awe.
i will treasure my memories of this weekend. at least, the ones that i actually remember.

(later edit: i keep having to come back and add someone else that i forgot. i'm going to stop doing that and go watch ocean's eleven or something. so if you're not up there, i still love you, i just have a bad memory.)
i met my real mother on the way home. considering i've never really thought of myself as someone who had a mother like everyone else does, and considering all of the lies and distortions about her that still haunt me from my childhood, it was overwhelming. after about 2 hours, i could feel the little panic monsters coming to take over, and had to turn down her offer for dinner even though i was quite hungry.
after all that's happened this weekend, i was pretty shell-shocked, but very very happy.