god, is it still friday? i'm losing track of time so much lately. and thursday night seemed like an entire day unto itself. next time the seattle sg members meet, i'll have to bring a camera. and pick someplace else.
arik and azura: you two are a bad influence. i might just have to do the "gir set" idea for the hell of it.
i'm all hyper about spinning fire again tomorrow. i talked to my dad today and was outlining all of the safety specifications like a speed freak.
i have just made a vow to stop reading any of the current events threads. its just the usual senseless, thoughtless crap. "this is black, and this is white." "either you are with us, or you're are against us." it is never that simple. *sigh*
*wipes the feces off*
arik and azura: you two are a bad influence. i might just have to do the "gir set" idea for the hell of it.

i'm all hyper about spinning fire again tomorrow. i talked to my dad today and was outlining all of the safety specifications like a speed freak.
i have just made a vow to stop reading any of the current events threads. its just the usual senseless, thoughtless crap. "this is black, and this is white." "either you are with us, or you're are against us." it is never that simple. *sigh*
*wipes the feces off*
it was super cool to meet you the other night. granted i was a little out of it the whole time, but i'm like that when i meet people.
anyway, keep me posted if anything goes down.