oh my.
those of us in colder climes don't party so well in the summer. but give us the slowly darkening days and some heavy rain and wind, and we'll drink so much, we're willing to kiss anyone.
which is my way of saying last night rocked!
eatingchucky is sweet, and stewd is fun. heh. i'm so glad those two came up to bowl with...
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those of us in colder climes don't party so well in the summer. but give us the slowly darkening days and some heavy rain and wind, and we'll drink so much, we're willing to kiss anyone.
which is my way of saying last night rocked!
eatingchucky is sweet, and stewd is fun. heh. i'm so glad those two came up to bowl with...
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you cut your hair.
Just think of the fun you me and pheadra can have at new years!
Sorry about not fufilling my pinky swear. but don't worry i won't forget and'll pay with intrest!!!
Sorry about not fufilling my pinky swear. but don't worry i won't forget and'll pay with intrest!!!
i unexpectedly have today off.
to do:
--wash dishes so i can actually eat something
--clean room so i can see the floor again, and maybe vacuum it
--call a friend who's supposed to bring me clothes so i can do drag tomorrow
--call the bowling alley and ask them some questions about tomorrow
--bring halloween pictures to the developing place
--write a story...
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to do:
--wash dishes so i can actually eat something
--clean room so i can see the floor again, and maybe vacuum it
--call a friend who's supposed to bring me clothes so i can do drag tomorrow
--call the bowling alley and ask them some questions about tomorrow
--bring halloween pictures to the developing place
--write a story...
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haaay girl, just checking in to see if you know what the plans are for tonight's mission... email me or post in my journal if you get this in the next couple hours. later!

Uh, yeah. Ditto what Eve and MrSatan said.
i had this crazy dream this morning. dreammaker was in it, funny enough. he was just as sweet and funny and lovable as he always is, but he was vampire as well, and not only a vampire but a yuppie microsoft vampire who lived in bellevue (to those who don't know, bellevue is snobby and i avoid it like the plague) and was trying to...
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Hmmm...just curious about a boy, not lusting. This sounds like trouble a brewin'!
When we step out of character - very unusual things can happen. Watch yourself.
No Voting here. No elections until next year - damn Canadians, always so unpredictable....and apathetic.
Who cares.
When we step out of character - very unusual things can happen. Watch yourself.
No Voting here. No elections until next year - damn Canadians, always so unpredictable....and apathetic.
Who cares.
i wish i would have some more scarey dreams, i only get dumb ones.. and i dont remember them. But the scarey ones i always remember, they are fun.... i hate bowling and dont drink anymore but i still wish i could join!
okay, okay, i'll update already. i really liked what you guys wrote on that last entry though.
i tried to paint last night. the first picture was pathetic. the second one i've been working on inconsistently for about 2 years now and i fucked it up. there is a slight possibility that i could distract the eye from that mistake, but there is no way...
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i tried to paint last night. the first picture was pathetic. the second one i've been working on inconsistently for about 2 years now and i fucked it up. there is a slight possibility that i could distract the eye from that mistake, but there is no way...
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come on people! bowl-o-rama is going to be fucking awesome! so excited, so excited, so excited...
just watch the big lebowski.. that ought to get you stoked!
just watch the big lebowski.. that ought to get you stoked!
I wouldn't mind my legs being taboo...i don't have any particular interest in them, as it is now. they're just kind of...there.
okay, okay, i'll update already. i really liked what you guys wrote on that last entry though.
i tried to paint last night. the first picture was pathetic. the second one i've been working on inconsistently for about 2 years now and i fucked it up. there is a slight possibility that i could distract the eye from that mistake, but there is no way...
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i tried to paint last night. the first picture was pathetic. the second one i've been working on inconsistently for about 2 years now and i fucked it up. there is a slight possibility that i could distract the eye from that mistake, but there is no way...
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i want to know your life story. not in words, not strung into sentences, but as abstracts, dreamscapes, acid trips, poetry... tell me your story while i'm sleeping.
you're all crazy!!
can i keep you?
you're all crazy!!
can i keep you?

alright kids. since you've been so forthcoming, here is mine:
the greatest tragedy of cynicism is forgetting to see beauty. jag lska dig men bara som en vn. what mother? give me escape, give me secrets, give me waking dreams. the past is my pink princess, and after all those years of forced therapy, all i really needed was fire and hair dye.
the greatest tragedy of cynicism is forgetting to see beauty. jag lska dig men bara som en vn. what mother? give me escape, give me secrets, give me waking dreams. the past is my pink princess, and after all those years of forced therapy, all i really needed was fire and hair dye.
you can keep me.
my life story?
a trampoline and a beach ball filled with water.
a lion.
the way the leaves on a birch tree look when the wind blows through them.
a diamond.
more analogies than stars. if you ask at the right times.
my life story?
a trampoline and a beach ball filled with water.
a lion.
the way the leaves on a birch tree look when the wind blows through them.
a diamond.
more analogies than stars. if you ask at the right times.
yay! more good sex for me. yummy yum. maybe i do like sex after all....
talked to D (the sex muffin) last night. he initiated the "what are we?" conversation by saying, "so what do you think of us?" i very carefully phrased a few sentences along the lines of, "i like to hang out with you and you're great in bed." my tentativeness seemed...
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talked to D (the sex muffin) last night. he initiated the "what are we?" conversation by saying, "so what do you think of us?" i very carefully phrased a few sentences along the lines of, "i like to hang out with you and you're great in bed." my tentativeness seemed...
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Ja jag gillar Kent!
have fun w/ the punk-ins... we'll figure out bowling later, eh... i'm out.. (for the weekend that is)
i'm quite fuzzy happy right now. swedish class wasn't so mind-crushing; i actually understood a lot of it and didn't feel like i was suffocating under the weight of my attempts.
after class, some friends coerced me into going bowling. we had cheerleaders on one side, screaming and being generally annoying, and practically-pro bowlers on the other, who were doing strange, disgusting victory dances and...
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after class, some friends coerced me into going bowling. we had cheerleaders on one side, screaming and being generally annoying, and practically-pro bowlers on the other, who were doing strange, disgusting victory dances and...
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Bowling!! Fun, fun.
Last year my dorm carved like... 6 pumpkins. So we had a LOT of pumpkin seeds. Yeah, I got pretty sick of them. I can't even imagine makin' pumpkin pie from a REAL pumpkin. It'd probably be pulpy. eww.
And are you saying I look like a pumpkin? huh, huh?
That'd be fun to fashion a pumpkin after someone though... like with a "wig" and such. Maybe you should do some celebrity!
haha,"making up ridiculous stories about a person on the other side of the bar"... I thought i was the only one who did that?!
I luuuurve people watching. We need more outdoor cafe's in Seattle.
Last year my dorm carved like... 6 pumpkins. So we had a LOT of pumpkin seeds. Yeah, I got pretty sick of them. I can't even imagine makin' pumpkin pie from a REAL pumpkin. It'd probably be pulpy. eww.
And are you saying I look like a pumpkin? huh, huh?

That'd be fun to fashion a pumpkin after someone though... like with a "wig" and such. Maybe you should do some celebrity!
haha,"making up ridiculous stories about a person on the other side of the bar"... I thought i was the only one who did that?!

I luuuurve people watching. We need more outdoor cafe's in Seattle.
bout damn time?? i can top that! 20 years here!! i suddenly wanna draw a sleeve on my left arm with a ball point pin.....
i don't think i'm the only one, but i'm really annoyed with some of the new people who've hopped on since the whole "sg on mtv" thing. (of course, new friends are exempt.) does anyone else feel this way?
i'm also getting really confused by people on my friends list who change their names completely. i'm bad enough with names as it is, and i...
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i'm also getting really confused by people on my friends list who change their names completely. i'm bad enough with names as it is, and i...
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i cant seem to e-mail you, funny.
this sunday i'm not sure untill tomarrow. i have a few wierd plans that may happen this weekend and i may not be in town. we'll see soon. e-mail me and i'll let you know.
this sunday i'm not sure untill tomarrow. i have a few wierd plans that may happen this weekend and i may not be in town. we'll see soon. e-mail me and i'll let you know.
OH no your pumpkins are gonna be nearly gross by Halloween! OH NO OH NO!
last night was intense. the last time i was that high was about 2 years ago, when my best friend and i did acid together for the last time before he moved away. plus, i've never before taken enough mushrooms to get visuals, but i did last night. everyone else was on e. most of my time, i spent curled up on the couch, just...
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BTW - now that you've seen my profile pic, do you still think you know me?
Wow, that sounds so awesome!! I'm glad you had a good trip. What sort of visuals did you see?
That's too bad about E messing with your head... I think I might make it a once-a-year thing, though I am soooo tempted to do it again soon.
Or maybe I'll try mushrooms instead.
That's too bad about E messing with your head... I think I might make it a once-a-year thing, though I am soooo tempted to do it again soon.
Or maybe I'll try mushrooms instead.

Tuesday had her going away gathering last night. she and i, L and his girl, and echo and her man went out for dessert, although L abandoned us early. once the espresso from my dessert kicked in, i was all sorts of hyper, and echo's hubbey determined that i have a dick as well. heh. it was tons of fun and we stayed up till...
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oh and echo's hubby is allergic to his own nuts 

oooooh, that is a tough choice...mushrooms...always lovely, in the right company...hmmmm...probably a shot of fine scotch, a pint of beer and bowl of stickiness (fuck, what do you expect...i'm in portland fer chris's sake!
).... although, i guess that's not really answering your question, since i'm eluding to my most frequent drug(s) of choice... hee hee...when the hell did i turn into a stoner scotsgrrl is beyond me!