two nights ago, i dreamt that i became involved in a skirmish at a local cvs drugstore because they didn't have what i wanted and some cute guy jumped out of nowhere to beat the living shit out of the manager who was harrassing me to get out of the store. then came some weird-ass mutated butterflies that were eating everything in sight, including people. scary! then i was subjected to monsters, zombies, vampires, werewolves, and other things i didn't really recognize. i had to keep convincing each of them not to kill me, which was very difficult, and i endured teeth and claws, all to try saving my daughter, angelina, who i was told i couldn't keep because she had seven doppelgangers that were dangerous and evil. i don't have any kids, so this was strange in itself. anyway, i ended up making it through with flying colors - how, i have no fking idea because all that shit scared me to death - and was made a goddess of all evil and undead things.
wtf is wrong with my brain?!?
my bf said i need to find a new psychiatrist.
wtf is wrong with my brain?!?
my bf said i need to find a new psychiatrist.
actually, that would be a'ndrea...
Thanks for the comment! how did you happen accross my journal?