well, less than 24 hours from now, i'll be under the surgeon's knife. i'm really freaked out! as long as he gives me some really good drugs afterward, i'm sure i'll be happy.
the weirdest shit has been going on in my life lately. a dumb-ass guy totally lied to me and my friends for months, and completely screwed over someone who loves him very much. my boyfriend doesn't want to be with me anymore if i don't quit smoking pot. a really hot guy that i scoped out a few years ago hit on me at mel's party.
AND - now he doesn't have a girlfriend. heh
in my opinion, i should be able to do whatever the hell i want to do without catching flack for it, because i am responsible, smart, and not an addict. i have a good job, i live on my own in a nice apartment in a nice part of town, i pay my bills, i go to school full-time, i am a good friend and sister.....BLAHBLAHBLAH.....
i love him so much, but i can't let someone make me feel crappy about my choice of lifestyle, nor let him tell me that he disrespects me more every time he "finds out" (i tell him the truth whenever he asks, but i don't offer the info otherwise because he doesn't like it or do it, so that would be pretty pointless).
is how i feel about right now...
thank GODDESS for melly-mel.

the weirdest shit has been going on in my life lately. a dumb-ass guy totally lied to me and my friends for months, and completely screwed over someone who loves him very much. my boyfriend doesn't want to be with me anymore if i don't quit smoking pot. a really hot guy that i scoped out a few years ago hit on me at mel's party.

in my opinion, i should be able to do whatever the hell i want to do without catching flack for it, because i am responsible, smart, and not an addict. i have a good job, i live on my own in a nice apartment in a nice part of town, i pay my bills, i go to school full-time, i am a good friend and sister.....BLAHBLAHBLAH.....
i love him so much, but i can't let someone make me feel crappy about my choice of lifestyle, nor let him tell me that he disrespects me more every time he "finds out" (i tell him the truth whenever he asks, but i don't offer the info otherwise because he doesn't like it or do it, so that would be pretty pointless).

thank GODDESS for melly-mel.
the piercing party is going to be at Electric Superstition in Berkely on sunday the 18th... umm... yeah, i'm blown out.
YAY!!! electric superstition rocks! good timing - i'll have just been paid, AND needing some re-piercings.....or some new piercings.....?