im so confused latley....i feel happy but sad.....i feel pretty but not pretty enough..... i love my friends but i wish i had different ones..... i dont know mabey im just hoping there is something better out there
so im lookin for some fuck buddies....MALE or female....and im lame and dont have a you would have to come to me....if your interested hit me up
god im so sick of school...i cant wait to be done and out of the hell hole. with out my friends holding me together i would have quit this shit long ago, i love ya nate, britney, dan, travis, noelle, brenda, franie and armondo.
yeah so my grandma died..... this has been the worst week of my life....but with time will heal....and at least she rests where she always wished to be.
ok so i went to a muslum iftar yesterday.... kinda interesting.... im not muslum, but i was supporting a friend who was running the event. the whole thing was kinda awkward seeing how me and my friend kyrstin were the only white people there. oh well. i have so much school work to do... im so up shit creek.... wow now i hve two more... Read More
well this is my first journal entry... im not really sure what to say. um life sux in this cow town, my family are a buch of assholes, i have watched four of my close friends die, im a proud member of the FFA, i am goin to cosmotolagy school, i plan to go to modesto jc and then fresno sate, i love music, i... Read More
i hope you are well.