ok so i went to a muslum iftar yesterday.... kinda interesting.... im not muslum, but i was supporting a friend who was running the event. the whole thing was kinda awkward seeing how me and my friend kyrstin were the only white people there. oh well.
i have so much school work to do... im so up shit creek.... wow now i hve two more sg favs to pick
oh the choices...
i kinda bummed, i miss my ex bf a lot
why the hell did he have to move to utah.... as me and nate say "fuck you... no FUCK UTAH" aw nate you always make everything beter.... even when your not here. to top things of we did not go to san fran yesterday i was really looking forward to that... oh well maybe next weekend

i kinda bummed, i miss my ex bf a lot

Hope UR not bummed anymore. I'm sure things will improve!!
and just in case a big hug from me might cheer U up.
*hugss* and *kisses*