People are very strange sometimes. Why can't they just say what they mean and do what they know they want to do. I guess people get hurt so often and get there dreams taken away so many times they they think that is whats normal, then once that doesn't seem to be happening they don't know what to do.
I give up I think I must have missed my chance at happiness becouse nothing ever seems to work out the way it should. Maybe it's me. Maybe I am being punished for not doing what I should have done all those years ago. Isn't it bad enouph that it haunts me almost everyday. Maybe what I am looking for is like looking for a...
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Things spin and spin and I wonder when they will end. I am hopeing when it stops all is well. Life might turn into a nightmere very soon but I keep faith that it wont. I just want things to be right for once and go back to the way they once where before everything went dark and grim.

Why is it when things seem to go so right they end up going so wrong at the same time 

Closer and Closer it comes and closer and closer the shadows start to show. The ghosts from the past start to swirl and bring with them the hounds of hell. Faith is my weapon and it will stay true, no the only question is will my friends stay true.

Life is strange sometimes. It's been quite to quite and today just felt odd. I guess I will figure out why soon.

Thank you for the comment on my set!

It truly stuns me sometimes how you can think something is beautiful then when you see it in all of it's beauty it is beautiful all over again 

Like a sunrise, it never is beautiful the same way twice, but the more you see of them, the more you appreciate the subtle or dramatic differences in beauty between each occurence.

You know sometimes I wonder if I am truly more insane than I think I am. I find my self doing things very stalker like. That wonder about people in ways that I don't think normal people do. Who knows though, I am starting to see that once again I am a person that seems to be surrounded by contradictions

So who's the lucky stalkee?

Happy Birthday. Hope it's a good one.
The world spins and I wonder if anyone notices that it is not going the right way.

Maybe the world's spinning the right way, and you're just facing the wrong direction?
I always have a good day when people who care about me show it. Thankfully my boys are good at that.
The world ends and I cry.

i cry too
You don't really look *that* young. I guess it's your attitude that makes people think you're younger.
When you get the chance check out my dear dee

If you don't make me yours, I'm not yours to show off.
All is well so far hun - how bout you?


What a Week!
That is realy all I can say. I just spent the week with my Beleved Dee and to say it was magical would not do it justice. It was wonderful wakeing up to her every morning and seeing her angelic face. Also got to spend some time with her kids which was good for me. Now lets just hope the rest of...
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