Yay another great weekend with the rents for memorial day 8) Obviously there's reasons why a keg says "Do not puncture" But it was all in good fun.
School's started and i'm already tired of it bah One more semester until graduation but then what? Hopefully something and i'm definitely looking forward to it!!!
I picked up The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy again and hopefully i'll be readint the Natural Mind soon. Then i can start on Middlesex WOOOOO o yeah some where school reading is in there 8P
Hopefully i get to see Star Wars Episode 3, Hitchhiker's Guide, batman: Begins, and of course Charlie and the chocolate factory...
1) i just want to see if Star Wars is worth it 2) if Hitchhiker's fits the book well enough 3) if it's the dark batman like the first one and how it should be 4) Tim Burton and Johnny depp nuff said ....
School's started and i'm already tired of it bah One more semester until graduation but then what? Hopefully something and i'm definitely looking forward to it!!!
I picked up The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy again and hopefully i'll be readint the Natural Mind soon. Then i can start on Middlesex WOOOOO o yeah some where school reading is in there 8P
Hopefully i get to see Star Wars Episode 3, Hitchhiker's Guide, batman: Begins, and of course Charlie and the chocolate factory...
1) i just want to see if Star Wars is worth it 2) if Hitchhiker's fits the book well enough 3) if it's the dark batman like the first one and how it should be 4) Tim Burton and Johnny depp nuff said ....