it's a stormy night tonite... i love storms though there's something that's so humbling and calm about them....
Wells I found out tonite that my dog rambo's gone...
My parents don't think they'll get another dog anytime soon and just wait to see how they feel.... That's prolly good cuz Rambo and Brownie were family and it prolly wouldn't do them justice to just replace them like that *SIGHS*
I've come to the conclusion that i'm definitely hitting a X Roads in my life... For the first time in my 4 years at college i feel homesick...
I miss my parents and now my dogs are gone. I want to go home and spend time with them that i know should've been done a long time ago... And hopefully i haven't lost that chance yet It's the paradox: I want to go home to be with my parents but at the same time I have nothing in Fayetteville life wise....
As all things in due time change is eminent ; No matter how dark the days or deep the sorrow, brighter days will come...
Wells I found out tonite that my dog rambo's gone...

I've come to the conclusion that i'm definitely hitting a X Roads in my life... For the first time in my 4 years at college i feel homesick...

As all things in due time change is eminent ; No matter how dark the days or deep the sorrow, brighter days will come...