great i think i'm developing an eye infection... Too much porn prolly
got more tatttoo done on friday it's starting to come together great
as soon as i can figure out how to shrink the size of my picture ...
I've come to the conclusion that being selfish is not necessarily a bad thing... Considering 2 things 1) only you know what's best for you no matter what people say... you're mistakes will be just that YOU'RE MISTAKE. 2) no one else is gonna take care of you so why not do it yourself? Besides when you get yourself figured out... you can extend that part of you to other people... how? by being honest with yourself cuz only when you're honest with yourself can you be honest with other people... Go figure
to anyone reading this i bid you adeu, good morning, good nite, god speed until another time...

I've come to the conclusion that being selfish is not necessarily a bad thing... Considering 2 things 1) only you know what's best for you no matter what people say... you're mistakes will be just that YOU'RE MISTAKE. 2) no one else is gonna take care of you so why not do it yourself? Besides when you get yourself figured out... you can extend that part of you to other people... how? by being honest with yourself cuz only when you're honest with yourself can you be honest with other people... Go figure